-chapter 12-

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Moonlight by Ariana Grande

(repeat if necessary.)


Louis woke up to the sound of a running shower and a fucking chainsaw ripping through his head, in other words, a very bad hangover. He groaned and sat up, taking in his surroundings with a confused expression and a nervous pit in his stomach. He looked around the room and stopped when he saw two little notes on the nightstand.

One read "eat me." with two little pills, aspirin he assumed, in front of it. The other read "drink me." with a small glass of orange juice next to it. Louis grinned subtly and popped the tablets in his mouth, washing them down with the orange juice. He nearly choked on the drink when he heard the shower shut off, signifying the person was finished and would be coming out any second.

Louis went to make a break for the door, but when he pulled the covers off, he blushed and scrambled to pull them back over his exposed legs. Louis found that all he was dressed in was a white t-shirt he knew damn well did not belong to him, and the panties he had put on the night before. "Holy mother of god." Louis mumbled to himself, covering his flushed face with his small hands. He gasped quietly to himself when the door opened, squeaking before it hit the wall.

Louis peeked from behind his fingers and saw a tall man with a towel over his head. "Good morning, how're you feeling?" the man asked, Louis now recognizing the distinct, bone-chillingly deep voice as the one and only, Harry Styles. "Um..I'm alright, I guess. I have a bit of a headache, but I kinda did that to myself, didn't I?" Louis said, laughing dryly to himself as he ran a shaky hand through his hair. Harry smirked and hummed, tossing the towel onto the couch in the corner of the room.

Louis sucked in a quiet breath when he finally saw Harry's beautifully toned chest, fully exposed to his wandering eyes. "W-We um...we didn't do anything l-last night, right? Cause I-I don't-" Harry shushed his nervous ramble with a shake of his head. "No we did not do anything, Louis. You threw up all over yourself and then you passed out, so I brought you back here. And not to mention, necrophilia isn't really my thing." Harry said simply, as if Louis didn't completely embarrass himself in his drunk state the night before.

Louis' cheeks lit up as he nodded to himself. "O-Oh okay. Where did you sleep?" he asked, fiddling with the hem of the t-shirt as he waited for a response. Harry quirked a brow in his direction, sitting down on the couch as he opened the breakfast platter set on the coffee table. He pointed to the spot on the bed next to Louis with the butter knife. "Right there." Louis just nodded, and released a shaky breath. 

He watched Harry butter a piece of toast, carrying it over to the bed and handing it to him. "Eat this, and then take a shower. Your clothes are being dry cleaned, so I had Taylor get some clothes for you to wear today." Harry explained, walking over to his suitcase and pulling out a matching white t-shirt. Louis just nodded and nibbled on the toast. "So you undressed me?" he said hesitantly, feeling strangely afraid of what the man would say. 

"Would you have preferred to sleep in your soiled jeans and shirt?" Harry said back, slipping the shirt over his head. Louis licked his lips, drinking in how good Harry looked when his body wasn't hidden in a suit. His suits were very sexy, but Louis liked seeing the way his arms bulged when he simply bent them. He swallowed and shook his head. "Um...no." he said, feeling shy all of a sudden. 

His change in tone didn't go unnoticed by Harry, to which he walked over to the bed and crawled onto it, his face being a mere five inches away from Louis'. The way the lad sucked in a breath didn't go unnoticed either. Harry took a bite out of the toast in Louis' hand, crawling back off the bed, leaving Louis breathless and the slightest bit aroused. 

"You didn't have to come and track me down with whatever James Bond shit you did, I probably would've been fine." Louis said, freezing when Harry stopped and turned back around, eyebrows furrowed. "Yes i did, and the fact that you had to say probably means that you probably would not have been fine. If i hadn't come to get you, you would probably be waking up in the photographer's bed. And from what i could tell, you didn't appreciate him pressing his suit." Harry said curtly, causing Louis to have to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

"What medieval chronicle did you escape from? You sound like a courtly knight." Louis said, smiling as he giggled at his own joke, clutching his stomach. Harry's mood shifted significantly from hearing Louis' laugh, he was irritated and annoyed, but now he was softer in the way he held himself and in his eyes, his heart beating a little quicker then it was previously.

"Hmm, a dark knight maybe." Harry said, smiling softly at the way Louis' eyes shined, clearly pleased that he was playing along. "Oh yeah definitely dark knight." Louis said, nodding as he bit his lip again. Louis' smile faltered though, leaving Harry concerned instantly. "All you do is scold me." he said, looking up at Harry with sad eyes. Harry put his lips into a line. "You're lucky that's all i do." he said.

"What do you mean?" Louis said, shooting Harry a confused glare. "Well ,if you were mine, you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week after the stunt you pulled last night. You didn't eat,  you got drunk, you put yourself at risk. I hate to think about what could've happened to you." Louis flushed at that, bowing his head to hide his very obvious blush. Louis knew he wasn't Harry's, but part of him wanted to be.

"I'm gonna go shower now, thank you for helping me." Louis said timidly after a little while, climbing out of the bed hesitantly, looking in the corner of his eye to see if Harry was watching him. Of course, he was, to which Louis blushed and looked away quickly, pulling the shirt down as he grabbed the clothes off the chair next to the bathroom door. After he shut the door Harry smirked, opening his laptop to check his emails. "He's gonna be mine, I'm sure of it." he said to himself as he opened an email from one of his sponsors. 

And if Louis was attempting to catch his breath and get rid of the blush on his cheeks while he pressed his back against the bathroom door, no one had to know. 


Finally updated :)) im really proud of this chapter, i typed it up in an hour, and sorry if there's mistakes, i don't feel like checking through it because it's 4 in the morning and my nocturnal ass is tired. i also saw this thing in one of my favorite stories, so im gonna do it too.

Person of the night; Charlie Puth because he's so fricken adorable and talented and i really really love him with all my heart.



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