-chapter 13-

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Love Affair by Mac Miller

(repeat if necessary)


Louis undressed himself in the hot, steamy bathroom after setting the temperature to how he liked it. He felt frazzled and aroused quite honestly. That man had too much control over his emotions and he was every bit okay with it, as much as that scared him in the moment. He hopped in the shower and began rinsing his grimy skin. He washed his hair quickly and spotted the body wash that Harry used.

He grabbed some and began rubbing it across the expanse of his skin, imagining it was the older mans large hands. He started at his neck and worked his way down to his chest, and then to his hard cock. He closed his eyes as he began stroking himself to the thought of Harry before three sharp knocks on the door snapped him out of it, almost making him slip and fall. "I have some work to tend to, please try to hurry." Harry called from the other side of the door.

Louis called out a weak "Okay." and turned the shower off, stepping out and grabbing his towel. He dried himself off, ignoring the pleasurable feeling every time he dried his lower abdomen. He quickly dressed himself in the expensive-looking clothes Harry had gotten for him, almost dying when he slipped on the new red panties that were not his.

He opened the door and stepped out timidly with a flushed face, unable to look Harry in the eyes as he set his towel down on the chair. Harry doesn't look up as he continues to vigorously type emails to his colleagues.

"Breakfast was also sent up, please help yourself." Harry said in a nice, yet demanding tone. Louis looked around and saw various foods and drinks set neatly on a tray. His stomach growled as he slowly sat on the couch next to Harry.

"Shit, Niall." He said, going to grab his phone only to be stopped by a hand on his thigh. "Already taken care of, he knows you're safe and with me. I texted Liam." Louis rolled his eyes, remembering Niall grinding up a storm on Harry's brother.

Louis thought about how Niall never did one-night stands, and the other two times he did, Louis had to endure the endless ice cream, mountains of tissues, and reruns of friends. His thoughts were interrupted by Harry clearing his throat, staring at Louis with a quirked brow.

"The food may be set up nicely, but it's also there for you to eat. I recommend you do so." Harry said with a pointed glare, returning to his coffee and laptop. Louis frowned and ignored his glare, reaching for the bowl of fruit, along with eggs and bacon. Harry glanced up from his screen, pleased with the fact that Louis was finally eating.

"Tea?" Harry offered, reaching for it as Louis nodded gratefully. Louis was mid-chew when he noticed Harry already had yorkshire prepared for him, shocked by the man remembering his favorite tea.

"Your hair is wet." Harry pointed out bluntly, giving Louis a scolding look. "I couldn't find the hairdryer." Louis replied with a shrug, returning to his food when Harry didn't respond. "Thank you for getting my clothes cleaned, and for purchasing new ones." Louis said, catching Harry by surprise.

"It's nothing you should worry about, white looks very lovely on you." Harry said. Louis blushed profusely and sipped his tea, avoiding eye-contact. Harry frowned and reached over to Louis, grabbing his chin and turning his face to catch his attention. "You should really learn how to take a compliment, you know."

Louis flushed even harder and pulled his face out of Harry's grip. "I should pay you for my clothes, and for these as well." Harry stared at him as if he said the most offensive thing ever. Louis panicked and continued. "I mean, it's the least I could do since you gave me those books, which by the way, I surely cannot accept. Please let me pay you." Harry only shook his head.

"Louis, I assure you that I can afford it." Harry said simply, staring him right in the eyes. Louis scowled and scrunched his nose. "That's not the point, why should you buy these for me?" Harry smirked deviously and said simply. "Because I can." Louis merely rolled his eyes and finished his food.

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should." Louis mumbled, ignoring the way Harry raised a brow at his response. Before he could respond, Louis was already speaking again. "Why did you send me those books, Harry?" Louis asked gently, searching the man's eyes for any kind of answer.

"Because you were nearly hit by a car under my supervision, and when I pulled you to me to avoid such disaster, you were looking up at me - all kiss me, kiss me, Harry." Louis flushed profusely, refusing to meet the man's eyes. "So I felt as though I owed you an apology, and a warning. I don't do romance, Louis. My tastes are very singular. You should steer clear of me." Harry said with a straight face.

"But there's something about you, I'm finding it impossible to stay away from you. I'm sure you've figured that out already." Harry said, meeting Louis' eyes as they snapped up once he said that. Louis searched his face for any emotion, finding none. "Then don't." he whispered, a small fire lighting in him when Harry's eyes darkened at his words.

"You don't know what you're saying." Harry said with a warning tone. Louis raised his eyebrows and rested his chin in his hand. "Enlighten me then." They merely sat there, neither breaking eye contact. Harry broke the silence first, catching Louis off-guard.

"What are you plans for the next few days?" Louis pondered his question for a few beats and then realized something. "I have work for the rest of the week since I'm moving up to London next week. What time is it by the way?" Louis rushed, going to check his phone. His phone read 11 a.m, he had to be at work by 1.

"You have a place in London already?" Harry asked, looking very intrigued. Louis nodded and tried to remember where. "I believe it's right in town, I can't remember." Harry nodded and smiled subtly. "What will you be doing in London?" Louis felt very overwhelmed by Harry's interrogation, it was almost as bad as one of Niall's.

"I've applied for a few interships, I'm still waiting to hear back from them." Harry nodded and proceeded. "Have you applied to my company as I suggested?" Louis flushed in realization. "No I didn't." He looked down when he saw Harry's eyes flash with playfulness.

"And what is wrong with my company?" He asked. Louis smirked and looked him dead in the eyes. "Your company or your Company?" Louis challenged, making Harry smirk back. "Are you smirking at me, Mister Tomlinson?" Louis' shivered and blushed, averting his gaze as he bit his lip subconsciously.

"I'd like to bite that lip."


Had to cut it off here, the chapter is so damn long. Finally finished this one after a whole year, I have plans to continue don't worry. I loved this story too much to not continue. last time I updated this i was 14, I'm 16 now. jesus, and I'm halfway through high school. This is insane. I love you all, I'll be back for more soon.

all the love.


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