-chapter 10-

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Song; Another Sad Love Song by Khalid

(repeat if nescessary.)


Louis was dressed in a stunning outfit, looking absolutely ravishing as usual. He applied a thick layer of his favorite clear lip gloss and sipped his wine, spinning around with a giggle when Niall pinched his bum playfully.

"C'mon sexy, the taxi is gonna be here in a few minutes." Niall stopped when he heard the doorbell, skipping over to open the door.

"Package for.... Lewis Tomlinson?" The guy said, furrowing his brows whilst reading the package. Niall rolled his eyes and let the guy in, waiting for Louis to correct him.

"That would be me, and it's Louis." Louis called with an attitude, already feeling a bit tipsy from the wine. Niall snorted and Louis giggled, signing his name and flipping the guy off when he turned to walk out the door.

"Who do you think it's from?" Niall said, skipping over to Louis excidely. Louis just shrugged and ripped the brown paper open, revealing three very old english books he knew and loved dearly.

He slowly ran his hand over the tattered leather cover, opening the book to the first page. He read the fine print and gasped loudly.

"Selected Poems. London: Emily Dickinson, McIlvaine and Co., 1890. Holy shit! Ni, these are first editions!" Louis exclaimed, snapping his head up to Niall who looked just as shocked.

Louis just stood stunned and thought for a second. 'These must've been worth a fortune.' He thought before he realized.

"Styles?" Niall said, picking one of the books up and flipping through it with wonder-struck eyes. Louis just nodded dumbly and walked over to the island, setting the books on the counter.

He opened one of them and a slip fell out. The small, thick slip of paper read. 'If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.' Louis furrowed his brows and ran his thumb gently across the black ink.

Niall gave him a wary look and took the slip out of his hand, placing it back into the book before dragging Louis over to the door to slip their coats on.

"Don't worry about that right now, let's go celebrate babe."


Niall slammed his shot glass down on the table and leaned back with a smile, watching as Louis scructched up his little nose and shook his head.

Shots always had a bad aftertaste, almost like sucking on a lemon, bitter and the slightest bit tart depending upon what kind of alcohol.

Louis just rolled his eyes as Niall drunkly laughed. "I don know how you d-do that, NiNi." Louis slurred with a giggle, leaning against the table with his arms tangled.

Niall patted his stomach and belched loudly, leaving the group of three to laugh loudly. "I'm irish, mate. It's in me blood." He said proudly. Louis just rolled his eyes and felt the sudden urge to use the bathroom.

He stood up and nearly fell, Zayn quickly catching him by his waist. "Where are you going?" Zayn asked, letting Louis go after steadying him.

"I-I gotta wee." Louis slurred with another giggle, stumbling away to the bathrooms after Zayn released him with a chuckle.

He danced a small bit as he made his way over, groaning when he saw there was a line. He pouted and fell back against the wall dramatically, not realizing there was people laughing at his drunk antics.

He pulled out his phone as a distraction from his bladder, opening the phone app. "W-Who did I call last?" He asked himself as he scrolled through his recent calls.

He came across Harry's contact and giggled, suddenly remembering the tall, handsome man he fancied. "L-Let's call him." Louis said to no one, pressing call and bringing the phone up to his ear.

It rang three times before Harry picked up. "Louis?" He said, shocked that he was calling him after yesterday's events. Louis laughed, slapping his hand on his thigh.

"Why did you s-send me those super s-stunning yet extremely expensive and r-rare books, Harry." Louis babbled out, giggling behind his hand afterward.

Harry sucked in a breath and shut his laptop quickly, standing up to put on his coat. "Tell me where you are." He demanded.

Louis just laughed again. "And why s-should I do that?" Louis sassed, placing a hand on his hip."Because you're fucking drunk." Harry replied bluntly, growing extremely worried and impatient.

Louis giggled again and wandered outside. "Come a-an find me." He challenged, hanging up before Harry could get another word.


Harry had called a friend he knew could track down Louis by using his number and was now speeding down the streets on London, going around and cutting people off.

He screeched to a stop outside of a bar and opened up his phone again, checking to see if it was the right one. He cursed and slammed in the horn when he saw the one he was looking for was twenty minutes in the opposite direction.

Harry just grumbled under his breath and turned the car around swiftly, taking off down the street.


Louis stumbled outside and giggled, shivering a bit as he hugged himself in attempt to keep warm. Zayn followed him out a few seconds later, carrying his jacket.

"Here you left this." He said, helping Louis out it on. Louis just smiled lazily and pulled the jacket tightly around his body.

"Here lemme help you keep warm." Zayn said, pulling Louis to his chest. Louis gasped and fell against his chest, attempting to push him away.

Zayn pulled him so they were face to face. "W-What are you doing?" Louis slurred, swaying slightly. Zayn just smiled and caressed his cheek.

"I like you, Lou." He said, going to pull Louis in for a kiss. Louis, even though he was practically wasted, attempted to push him away. "N-No, Zayn I-" Zayn cut him off.

"C'mon just one kiss." He pleaded, pulling Louis closer until he was roughly shoved backwards. "Get the fuck out of here, he said no." Harry seethed, staring Zayn down with a look that could kill.

Zayn just shook his head and walked away, quite obviously upset. "H-Harry?" Louis said dumbly, doubling over to empty the contents of his stomach onto the ground.

Harry sighed and placed a hand on his back, rubbing it gently as he threw up.

It was gonna be a long night.


Wowza I love this book, it's almost at 1k I'm so excited. This chapter is unedited for the time being.

All the love.

50 Shades Of Styles// Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now