-chapter 11-

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Song; In My Blood by Shawn Mendes

(repeat if necessary)


Harry kept rubbing Louis' back as he struggled to breathe again. "Stand up, leaning over won't help." he demanded lightly, pulling the lad up so he was standing up straight. Well, standing up while leaning his entire body against Harry's, but no one had to know.

"W-Why are 'ou h-here?" Louis asked, confused and drunk out of his mind. Harry just shook his head and adjusted Louis' jacket, running a hand through his disheveled fringe. Louis smiled lazily at the feeling, enjoying it while it lasted.

But as soon as the touch was there, it was gone again, just like that. Louis was going to protest, but quickly forgot what happened as Harry dragged him back inside. "Where are w-we goin'? Louis said, raising his voice as the music began to grow louder. 

Harry ignored him once again and left him to lean against the bar as he made his way to the dance floor. Louis was about to laugh, but didn't when he saw who he was walking over to. He saw his best friend and some very attractive stranger dancing and grinding together.

Harry walked over to the attractive stranger and gently pulled on his shoulder, whispering something in his ear before walking away, face blank once again. He approached Louis and before he had the opportunity to say anything, Louis quickly interrupted. 

"I-I don't feel s'good." he mumbled weakly, suddenly blacking out. Harry gasped and quickly caught Louis before he fell, scooping up his extremely small and light body that was now completely limp. 'He'll be fine.' Harry reassured himself, carrying Louis out to his car.

He placed the unconscious lad in the passenger seat, struggling to put his seat-belt on since his body wasn't being cooperative, but he eventually managed and shut the door, walking over to his side and climbing in. 

After he shut the door he breathed out a sigh of relief, looking over at Louis. Even when he was unconscious he was breathtaking, and that scared Harry. 

Not enough to stay away, though.


Harry carried Louis into his hotel suite, placing him gently on the bed before going to grab him a shirt to sleep in. He grabbed one of his t-shirts and began to undress the unconscious lad. It took everything in him to not attack the beautiful boy right there. 

Harry groaned and rubbed a hand over his eyes when he found that Louis wears panties. "You're going to be the death of me, little one." Harry mumbled, slipping the shirt on Louis' body before kissing his forehead.

Harry absolutely loved the way his shirt barely fit Louis, practically looking like a t-shirt dress on the lad. He scooped him up once again and adjusted him so he was tucked into the bed comfortably. Harry began to strip himself of his clothes, putting a few things on the bedside table for Louis before slipping into bed as well. 

Since Louis was literally unconscious, Harry planned on leaving him alone as he slept, but Louis seemed to have other plans. As soon as the bed dipped, Louis' body squirmed backwards, pressing his back against Harry's chest. 

To say Harry was surprised was a bit of an understatement. He tensed at first, thinking Louis was just gonna move again, but he relaxed when Louis whined quietly, pushing his back against him again. "Alright, baby doll, relax. Your daddy is here." Harry whispered right into Louis' ear, testing him for his reaction. 

Louis just quietly whimpered and snuggled closer. Harry smirked and snaked his arms around Louis' tiny waist, pulling his body flush to his chest. Louis practically melted, smiling in his sleep. "Goodnight, little one. We have much to discuss tomorrow." Harry whispered, placing another kiss on Louis' forehead before laying down. 

What a day tomorrow would be.


surprise update cause im a piece of shit. im working on a lot of shit and finals are coming soon, just because im not active on here doesn't mean i don't pre-write all my works!! im constantly writing chapters and oneshots, so don't think im completely ignoring this. i love writing, it gets me through the day. updates will be flooding in as soon as im finished with finals and such, this is my last year before high school !

all the love. (as always.)


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