-chapter 3-

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Song; I Put A Spell On You by Annie Lennox

(repeat if necessary)


"Where were we, Louis?"

Louis felt his heart drop.  "U-Um, I-" he was cut off by a clap, making him yelp and jump in his seat. "Nevermind that, I'd like to know more about you." The man stated, hands folded together in a patient manner.

Louis' eyes bulged and he sputtered. "E-Excuse me?" He said, utterly shocked that such a man was interested in him. "Mr. Styles, I can assure you that there's nothing fairly interesting about me." Louis said, looking down at his lap with flushed cheeks.

The burly man sat across from him smirked and leaned forward. "I can assure you that I disagree, Louis." He said, leaning back again with his elbow on the arm rest.

Louis shuddered from his tone of voice and nodded. "W-Well, what is it that you wish to know?" He said, meeting the man's gaze. The curly haired man chuckled to himself and nodded in approval.

"What are your plans after you graduate?" He said, blazing green eyes alight with interest. Louis shrugged and curled in on himself.

"I haven't made any plans, Mr. Styles. As of right now, I just need to get through my exams." Louis said, playing with his fingers with his nerves spiked higher.

"We run an excellent internship program here." He said quietly, running his finger over his bottom lip.
Louis raised his eyebrows, wondering if he was just offered a job.

"Oh, well I'll bear that in mind." He said, speaking up again before the man could respond. "Though I don't believe I'd fit in here." He said, frowning to himself.

"Why do you say that?" The man said with a frown, resting his now folded hands against his chest. Louis shrugged and flushed again for the hundredth time that day.

"Is it not obvious?" (ObViOuSlY) Louis said with his brows furrowed. The man shook his head softly. "Maybe to you." He said quitely. He cleared his throat and quickly recovered. "Would you like me to show you around?"

Louis shook his head, not allowing himself to be distracted by the man any longer. "No thank you, Mr. Styles, I must not keep you away from your work any longer. Plus I have a long drive." Louis said, stopping the voice recording and gathering his things.

"You're driving back to Manchester?" He asked, suddenly surprised. He glanced out the window and his eyebrows furrowed once again. "Well with the rain that's suddenly started, you must drive safely." He said, tone demanding with a hint of concern.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows as he put everything in his purse. 'Why would he care?' Louis thought to himself, slinging his purse over his shoulder.

He turned and found Mr. Styles standing before him. "Did you get everything you need?" Louis nodded and turned around only to be stopped again by a hand gripping his own. "Till we meet again, Louis." He said, bringing Louis' hand up to his lips.

Louis felt his heart kick-start and his body flush from the action. "Mr. Styles." He said with a nod and a small smile.

Louis turned around and looked to see Mr. Styles walking next to him. "Just making sure you make it through the door, Louis." He said, referring to earlier. Louis flushed and felt shame rush through his veins.

"That's very considerate of you, Mr. Styles." He snapped, feeling more then happy that he was finally leaving. The mans smile grew and he opened the door, allowing Louis to exit first.

They rounded to the front desk on the top floor. "Did you have a coat?" He asked, looking down at Louis. "Yes." Perrie answered for him, rushing to retrieve it.

Louis reached for it when she returned, only for it to be snatched out of her hands by Mr. Styles. The color drained from her face and she scurried away, leaving Louis alone with the man once again.

He handed it to Louis, who felt insanely self-conscious suddenly, allowing him to shrug it on as he held his purse. Once his jacket was on, Louis gratefully took his bag back with a nervous smile, turning to press the down button for the lift.

He was stopped by large hands on his shoulders. He gasped from the contact, shuddering suddenly. If the man noticed, which he did, he didn't give anything away. He reached pass Louis with one hand still on his tiny shoulder and pressed the button for him, pulling his hands back so he could lean against the doorframe.

Louis stood and waited, avoiding the man's gaze as he awkwardly messed with his fingers. The lift doors finally opened and Louis hurried inside, not noticing how the man slipped the packet out of his bag and tucked it under his arm.

Louis turned around after pressing the button for the ground floor, holding the man's gaze as he leaned back against the wall. The doors started to close and before they did, the two said their goodbyes, but not the normal way.

"Louis." the man said with the same burning gaze.

"Harry." Louis replied, taking the man by surprise with the use of his first name

And with that, the doors shut.


I'm super sick so I'm sorry for the short update :(( I felt bad because you guys kept telling me too, so this is what I have for you. I hope you like it, I read through it for any mistakes but I might be missed some since I'm sick, so please tell me if I did.

All the love.


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