-chapter 14-

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Positions by Ariana Grande

repeat if necessary.


"I'd like to bite that lip."

Louis sucked in a sharp breath as the sinful words rolled off the brooding man's lips. He looked up, lips parted and eyes unreadable. "Why don't you then?" he challenged quietly, unable to keep eye contact with those piercing greens. Harry leaned back in his chair before standing abruptly, frowning as he ran a hand through his locks frantically.

"Because I refuse to touch you, Louis. Not until I have your written consent." Louis was taken aback. Written consent? What? "What is that supposed to mean?" he asks, a tad of anxiety in his voice. The older man simply chuckled to himself and looked at Louis sideways. "It means exactly as I said." he stated simply, making Louis back down.

Before Louis got a chance to speak again, Harry quickly interjected. "I must show you what it is I mean, Louis. What time do you finish work this evening?" he said, looking to Louis for an answer. "Um, around eight I believe." Louis said, reaching for his phone to check the time. Harry simply nodded and proceeded to enjoy the lovely breakfast that was brought up for them.

Louis put his phone back down and looked up curiously, watching as Harry mindlessly scrolled through emails on his tablet as he drank his orange juice. "Why can't you tell me now?" he asks as he twiddled with his thumbs, still refusing to make eye contact with the intimidating man. Harry placed his glass down gently and folded his hands. "Because I am enjoying my breakfast and your lovely company. And I am afraid you won't wish to see me again after you are enlightened." he said, staring directly at the small, pretty man before  him. Oh the things he wanted to do to this beautiful little minx.

Louis on the other hand, was internally freaking out over what the older man had just said. What does he mean he won't want to see him again? Is he some kind of creepy cult leader? A strange doll hoarder? What if he was a mob boss?! Louis was too lost in his 'what if's' to notice Harry had sat next to him. He gasped as Harry's hand accidentally brushed his reaching for another item from the breakfast platter.

He quickly looked over and found the man already looking at him. He blushed and looked away. "Fine then, tonight after I finish work." the smirk on the business man's face that seems permanently embedded only widens. "Eager, are we?" Louis glanced at the smirking man and shook his head with a dismissive laugh. "Are you smirking at me, Mr. Styles?" he asked, receiving a playful look before the man pulled out his cellphone.

"Taylor, I am going to need Charlie Tango tonight. From Manchester, I'll pilot Manchester to London....Standby pilot from twenty-two-thirty." Harry locked his phone after the call ended, placing it back on the table beside him. Louis was looking at him with those impenetrable, curious blue eyes. "Do people always do what you ask without question?" he asked with a tilt to his head.

"Usually yes, if they want to keep their jobs." Harry said, smiling subtly at Louis' luscious laugh. "And if they don't work under you?" he challenged, crossing his legs as he settled into the couch. "Oh I can be very persuasive, Louis. You should finish eating, then I will drop you home and pick you up from work at eight, then we'll fly up to London." Harry said as he gathered his essentials for leaving the room.

Louis blinked, taken aback by how simply he said they were going to fly. "I'm sorry, did you say fly?" Louis asked, nearly breathless with shock. Harry turned to him and caught his surprise instantly. "Yes. I have a helicopter." Louis widened his eyes, not responding as Harry chuckled at the younger man. Louis finished the rest of his food in a steady silence and stood when he was finished, grabbing his things from the nightstand.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked. Louis nodded and allowed Harry to guide him out of the room. Louis is stuck in a whirlwind of thoughts. Why does such a highly praised man want someone like him? Especially after he embarrassingly threw up all over himself and passed out. The ding of the elevator pulls him from his thoughts. They both step in the empty space tentatively, Harry reaching to press the ground floor button.

After about five seconds, it was as if the heat in the small space had suddenly been put on full blast. They stood inches apart in the small space, both physically able to feel the unbearable tension. Harry couldn't take it anymore. "Oh fuck the paperwork." he exclaimed, taking Louis' wrists in one hand as he advanced him and slammed him up against the wall, lips attacking one another's.

Louis instantly melted into the heated kiss, feeling the uttermost bliss as the man pressing him into the wall began grinding, Louis now able to feel his very noticeable erection. It ended as abruptly as it started, unfortunately for Louis. Harry swiftly pulled away and resumed his position next to the smaller man, who was left a panting mess. The elevator doors opened as they reached the next floor seconds after they separated. Four suited men walked in, making Louis blush profusely as he tipped his head and fiddled with his hair. Harry merely smirked, watching the man from the corner of his eye.

The men exit on the second floor and as the doors shut again, Harry instantly turned to the younger man next to him. "You've brushed your teeth." he stated, making Louis giggle to himself. "I used your toothbrush." Louis said, holding his arms against his chest. Harry let out a surprisingly loud laugh, shutting his eyes and shaking his head.

"Louis Tomlinson, what in the world am I gonna do with you?" he said, almost fondly as he glanced at the pretty boy. As they reached the ground floor, the doors opened and Harry allowed Louis to lead the way. "What is it with elevators." he muttered to himself, following the irresistible man out to the parking lot.


I didn't expect to make this chapter as long as i did, but i hope you all enjoyed this update. It is unedited as of right now, i dont usually tend to make mistakes but i will look over it as i begin the draft for the next chapter. Thank you to those who have stayed with me as an author through al of this time, i don't update as much as i wish i used to, but i promise im gonna try and at least finish this book because I know so many of you love it. Crazy fact, I started this book when i was 14 and i just recently turned 17. I can't believe it's been this long already but again thank you for being patient with me. More updates to come. Also i apologize for the way the text is, this computer wont let me edit the positioning.

All the love.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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