-chapter 8-

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Song; Dive by Ed Sheeran

(repeat if necessary.)


Louis tried his best to ignore the burning sensation of electricity coursing through his veins as Harry secured a muscled arm around his dainty waist, pulling him closer as they walked by crowds of people on the sidewalk.

If Louis were to die right then, he would be pretty happy. Harry opened the door for him as they walked in, making Louis blush and bow his head as he fumbled with his fingers.

"What would you like, love?" Harry asked, subconsciously brushing his fingers over the soft skin of Louis' tummy. The smaller lad held back the strong urge to whimper and cleared his throat quietly.

"Just some Yorkshire would be nice, please." He said softly, not having to speak too loudly since there wasn't many people in the small shop. Harry nodded and mumbled for him to find a table as he paid.

Before Louis could even begin to protest, he was being turned and gently pushed in the direction of tables and booths. Louis pouted and made his way to a small booth in the corner, away from the windows.

He sat there with his back slouched, picking at his nails until Harry came back with everything they'd ordered. He placed the tea in front of Louis, setting his own cup of black coffee in front of him as he placed a chocolate chip muffin in-between their two cups.

"Sit up, you'll get a bad back if you slouch like that." Harry scolded, giving Louis a pointed look. Louis blushed and immediately listened, having a strange feeling that he had done something wrong.

"How long have you known Niall?" Harry asked, sipping his coffee unphased. Louis wondered how he enjoyed such a bitter taste. "Since freshman year, we've been roomies and best mates ever since." Was all Louis said.

He sipped his tea and smiled behind the cup, enjoying the feeling of the warm liquid gushing down his throat, warming him up everywhere. "Is he your boyfriend?" Harry suddenly asked.

Louis looked at him incredulously, thinking he was talking about Niall. "Who?" He asked, just to be sure. "The man who was taking the photos, I can't remember his name." Harry said, tapping his finger on the table.

"Oh Zayn? No we're just friends. What made you think he was my boyfriend?" Louis asked with a surpirsed laugh, not noticing the way Harry's eyes lit up from the sound.

"Just the way he was looking at you, no big deal." Louis just shook his head and smiled, internally laughing at the thought of him and Zayn together.

"He's more like my brother if anything." Louis said with a smile, unable to break away from Harry's blazing green eyes.

"Tell me about your family, are you an only child?" Harry asked out of the blue, surprising Louis again for a moment. "No, I have five sisters and one brother."

Louis almost laughed at the way Harry's eyebrows rose from the response, people always reacted that way.

"My mum lives in Donny with her new husband Mark." Louis said, drinking his tea again. Harry just nodded, seeming very intrigued by Louis.

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