-chapter 6-

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Song; Winter by Khalid

(repeat if necessary.)


Louis walked into the club with a smile on his face, catching sight of his friends in the corner of the room. Niall noticed him and waved him over. "Hey, Lou!" Louis walked over happily and sat next to his friends, excepting the glass of beer they slid over to him. "So what's the deal? What do you plan on showing?" Louis asked excitedly, bouncing in his seat.

Zayn and Niall laughed at him. "Well I plan on doing some of my best shots, i'm not so sure yet. Maybe some sunset landscapes and maybe some black and whites, i don't know but i'll figure it out." Zayn thought out loud, rubbing his chin as he mentally went through his gallery. Louis remembered work from earlier and flushed.

"So Niall, guess what i did." he said, laughing at the face Niall pulled. He sat with his hand rubbing his chin, as if he was thinking deeply about what Louis could've possibly done. Louis smacked him and rolled his eyes at the whine he let out.

"I got Harry Styles to agree to a personal photo-shoot on Saturday. Zayn's taking the pictures." Zayn perked up at his name and shrugged and Niall squealed, getting out of his seat to jump around.

"How did ye do it!?" Niall asked, sitting down after his mild freak out. Louis laughed and pulled the business card out of his wallet. "He came to my work earlier looking for some things and i asked him, he said for us to call him to set it up for Saturday."

Louis said, flipping the card around with his fingers. Niall's eyes widened and he smacked his hands on the table, making some beer spill out of the cups. 

"The Harry Styles came to visit you at work?!" He exclaimed like it was the craziest thing in the world. Louis just looked at him with a bored expression and shrugged.

"Yeah, it was just a coincidence though, he was just in town and decided to come into the store. I bet he didn't even know i worked there." Louis said with a roll of his eyes. 

Little did he know.....


As soon as Niall and Louis got home, they bid their goodbyes and congratulations to Zayn and headed inside.  Niall was a bit tipsy so he ran into the walls a few times, swaying and giggling at nothing.

Louis only had one beer, so he was lightly buzzed. "Niall, you're drunk. Go to bed, we'll call Harry tomorrow." Louis said when Niall suggested that they call him. 

Niall whined and Louis sighed, dragging his friend to his bedroom. He stood in the doorway and watched as Niall pouted cutely. "Bed. Now." Louis said, trying his hardest not to laugh at the way Niall stomped over to the bed and flopped on it. "Thank you. Goodnight." Louis said, shutting the door behind him. 

He made his way to his own room and changed his jeans into something more comfortable for sleep, he got into bed and was out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Louis woke up to a loud crash, followed by a whine. He chuckled under his breath and got up, slipping on his silk robe just in case it was cold. 

Louis slipped his fluffy slippers on and made his way out into the kitchen, laughing at the sight he was presented with

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Louis slipped his fluffy slippers on and made his way out into the kitchen, laughing at the sight he was presented with. Sat on the floor in front of the fridge with a pout, was Niall.

Louis noticed that he was surrounded by cracked eggs, to which he groaned in response. "What did you do?" he said, sitting on a chair in front of the island, placing his hand on his forehead. 

Niall looked back at him and sighed. "I tried gettin' te eggs wit me eyes closed." he whined, dropping his hands to his sides with a huff.  Louis just sighed and walked away, leaving Niall to whine and clean up his mess by himself. 

"Did you call Harry yet?" Louis called, walking back to his room to change for the day. "No, come out here and do it with me." Niall called back, screeching with a loud thump sounding after. Louis shook his head and slipped on some leggings and a baggy, off-white t-shirt.

He walked back out after grabbing his phone and Harry's card off his nightstand. Niall was still on the floor, this time dressed in the whole stay-at-home mom cleaning get-up. Yellow rubber gloves and all.

Louis sat on one of the barstools that liked their island, unlocking his phone in the process. He tapped his perfectly manicured nail on the granite surface and opened up the phone app, dialing the number on the card.

'Why am I so nervous?' He thought to himself, pressing the call button after shushing Niall's whistling. It rang a few times before Harry picked up, startling Louis who zoned out.

"Styles. What do you need." He said dully, a negative change for Louis. 'He didn't sound so disinterested and dull when he was speaking with me.' Louis thought as he cleared his throat and sat up.

"H-Hi. It's Louis. You told me to call you..." He said, trailing off and flipping Niall the bird as he snickered quietly at him for stuttering. "Ahh, Louis. Good to hear your voice again." He said, his tone of voice changing significantly.

His voice was more teasing and light, not as dull and demanding as before. Louis didn't know how to feel about that. "Yeah you too. Niall was very excited when I mentioned you offered personal photographs and he insisted that I call right away. So... um Saturday is okay?" Louis rambled on, lightly nibbling on his thumb as he stared at the wall.

Harry hummed, his voice rumbling so deep that the phone vibrated lightly against Louis' cheek. "Sounds good. Where should I meet you then?" Harry asked, sounding as if he was getting ready to write down whatever Louis said.

"Zayn's personal studio is fine. I don't remember the exact address, I'll email it to you as soon as I get it." Louis said, not realizing his knee had started bouncing. Niall eventually finsihed and watched Louis with a knowing look, smirking to himself as he gathered up his cleaning gear.

"Yes that's perfect. I'll see you then, Louis." Harry said, waiting for Louis to bid his farewell before ending the call. As soon as the line went dead, Louis slumped against the counter and let out a groan of relief.

"You like him!" Niall shouted from the closet in the hallway. Louis flushed bright red and smacked his forehead against the cool counter.

"Shut up!"


This book is running so smoothly.

All the love.


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