-chapter 5-

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Song; Into You by Ariana Grande

(repeat if necessary.)

*remember, it's Harry's 2015 hair in this story.*


Louis walked into his work, Grimshaw's Hardware, and sighed when he saw Nick, the owner and his boss, standing behind the counter waiting for him, as usual.

"Good afternoon, Nicholas." Louis sneered, unconsciously swaying his hips, which Nick drew his eyes to with a bite of his lip. "Hello, Louis. Get to work please, I may need your help later." Louis rolled his eyes and sighed in relief when the man left.

Louis began restocking the shelves when he got a call from his mum. He answered the call and rested the phone on his shoulder as he talked. "Hey mummy." He said, tapping his foot. He smiled when he heard the smile in Jay's voice. "Hello, boo. How're you?" She asked.

" 'm okay, how's Mark?" Mark was husband number 3, and he just recently broke his ankle playing golf. 'How does one break an ankle playing golf?!' Niall asked in horror. Louis smiled at the memory and frowned when his mum answered with bad news.

"He's not doing too well, which means I'll have to stay and take care of him. I can't make it to your graduation, dear. I'm sorry." Jay said, sounding sincere and guilty. Louis willed his tears away and checked his watch.

He heard the bells on the front door ring. "Its okay, mumma. I gotta go, I'll call you later." He hung up and was about to see who entered, but stopped short. "Oh Louis! I need your help back here." Nick called from the back. Louis groaned and made his way back, pulling his super tight jeans up on the way.

"Louis." A famaliar, deep voice called. Louis' heart dropped to his feet and he turned. He was met with Harry, who was looking ridiculously good in a long sleeve and skinny jeans. Louis swallowed to keep his dry throat from closing up.

"H-Harry." He said, finally facing the man completely. Harry smirked and stepped forward. "What're you doing here, w-where I work?" Louis squeaked, slipping his hand in his back pocket. Harry checked his phone and shrugged.

"I was in the area and I needed some things." He said, staring at Louis with a great intensity. Louis smiled nervously and tried to keep the conversation light. "What, are you redecorating?" He asked. Harry smiled, a dark glint in his eyes.

"Something like that." He said. Louis shivered and shrugged it off. "So how can I help you?" Louis asked, rocking back and forth on his feet. "I need masking tape." Louis nodded and turned, walking with the man trailing behind him, who scanned his body unashamed.

Louis walked up to the rack and took down two rolls. "We have one inch and two inch, whichever you may need, if not both." Louis said, stopping himself from gasping when the man grabbed both rolls abruptly. Louis swallowed again, casting his eyes downward.

"Cable Ties." Harry said. Louis furrowed his brows when Harry wasn't looking, walking while thinking to himself 'What could he possibly need cable ties for?" Louis grabbed a pack and handed them to the man who took them with a smile.

"Rope." He said. Louis led the way. He reached the wall of rope and selected a red rope that was thin, but not too thin.  He started rolling some out and wrapping it around his arm, stopping when it was a good length. "What were you a boy scout?" Harry asked, amused with how easily Louis handled the rope.

"No, those activities aren't really my thing." Louis said, cutting the rope from the wheel. "Well what is your thing?" Harry asked, following as Louis made his way to the front of the store. "Books." Was all Louis said while he rung up everything Harry had asked for.

Nick, being himself, decided to appear just then. He walked behind the counter and slid at hand around Louis' waist, neither catching the way Harry's darkened eyes zeroed in on the contact. Louis scowled and slapped his hand away, to which the man laughed.

"I needed your help, where were you?" Nick asked, leaning against the counter. Louis held back the urge to roll his eyes. "Helping someone else, what does it look like?" He sneered, placing all of Harry's items in a bag.

Harry smirked and Louis' tone with the man. "Who's this?" Nick asked, finally acknowledging Harry. The man gasped when he recognized him. "You're Harry Styles." He said, shaking his hand. Harry gave a curt nod and an awkward smile. "That's the name." He said, growing irritated with Nick by the second.

Before Nick could continue, Louis cut him off. "You're total is $17.56." Harry nodded and pulled a twenty from his wallet, handing it to Louis who gave him the proper change. Neither noticed that Nick had left at some point during the interaction.

"What're you doing tonight?" Harry asked, catching Louis off guard. "Erma, 'm celebrating with my friends, my one friend got an exhibit offer from Manchester Place Gallery." Louis explained. Harry hummed and nodded.

"Niall also told me last night that he would like some original pictures of you for his article, I was wondering if we could maybe set something up...?" Louis asked, unsure of what the man would say.

"Yes I can do that." Harry said, pulling out his wallet again. He pulled out a personal business card that contained his email and cell phone number. "Just call me, I'm free for Saturday." Harry said. Louis asked it and clapped with a smile. "Fantastic, thank you." Harry smiled back and nodded, taking his bag and leaving.

Louis watched him leave, biting his lip unconsciously as he watched the man hand the bag to his driver. He leaned against the wall and sighed, thinking about the man for the rest of his shift.


It's starting to get interesting, I'm excited. I hope you are too.

All the love.


50 Shades Of Styles// Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now