Kawa's point of view

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I calmly walk along the hectic halls, as I ate the rest of my chocolate bar, I watch as caretakers, older orphans, and other staff members rush past me. I walk up the least crowded stairs, closest to the room where Mello and Near are. As I enter the room I see Near stacking dice, while Mello is sitting on the windowsill looking down upon the field eating one of his chocolate bars. I walk over to the window putting my hand on the corner of the windowsill, I glance down onto the field as the people try to find her. In the distance I see her thinking while looking around for another way to escape, panic setting in. I turn to see what Near is building, his emotionless face focused on stacking blocks.
"So neither of you wanted to get into the action, that's strange?" I said turning back to the window.
"No, I just want to see how this plays out," Near stated putting a dice on his dice castle.
"And you Mello?" I ask watching as they catch her.
"I didn't feel like it, how was I supposed to get her with all those people going after her." Mello and I continued to watch outside the window as Near was finishing his dice castle. She fought back and was released. She ran off towards the gate, just then a black Limo pulled up to the opposite side of the gate. She froze in her footsteps as L stepped out the back of the limo with a piece of half-eaten Strawberry cake in his left hand. Some of the people that went out there to catch her rushed forward to grab her before she could try to escape. The resistance was expected this time, as she was forcefully taken inside.
"Well that was interesting, but now that she is caught classes will resume. See you both when we have a break from class." I said as I turn away from the window walking to the door. I stopped to throw my candy wrapper in the trash can, then left to my class.

The next page will be in Luna's point of view.

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