Luna's point of view

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"Hey Luna wake up!" someone called to me. My eyes shot open from the voice calling me, the curtains were open, sunlight streaming into the room, it was morning.
"Hey Luna let's go," I shifted my head to the voice that had rudely awakened me from my peaceful slumber. My eyes focused on the shinigami looking for an explanation.
"Let's go," she repeated, confused of what she wanted I slant my head to the left.
"Go where?"
"Let's go for a walk, duh," she said aggravated.
"Because I am bored," she said in boredom. Of course, when is she never not bored, so I got out of bed and began searching for clothes to wear. My eyes landed on a short white dress with a red rose design hanging in the back of the closet. I thought why not. I grabbed it and changed into it, after I brush my teeth and combed my hair. I looked in the direction of Giselle and nodded, I walked out my room and out into the halls making my way outside. Once outside I thought of going sight seeing, so I walked around looking for anything interesting that would catch my eye. A while later I stopped and looked up at the bright blue sky, such nice weather today. The sun was shining brightly and the beautiful blue sky was clearly visible, with few small clouds looming around. A few minutes went by looking at the sky as I continued to think about the interrogation yesterday, until I heard a voice call out to me.
"Luna, fancy meeting you here," No anyone but him, I thought to myself. The fear inside of me reappeared, as I turn to look at Light.
"What are you doing here?" I asked clearly afraid.
"Sorry for not clarifying sooner, but I forgot to order you to find L's real name and kill him for me," he stated calmly with the same smirk plastered on his face from before. I looked up at him in utter horror, I would say he's insane.
"Do your up most best and make me proud," he said before walking away in the other direction. I looked at the sky again and frowned, even if it's a beautiful blue day there will always be a chance of rain. I walked back to the mansion in sadness, not one word came from Giselle as I walked inside the building. I walked along the silent hallways I search for the room I think L would be in. I wanted to get this over with as quick as possible. I finally got to the room where I would only guess he would be in. I knocked in hesitation not sure if I'm going to do the right thing or not. Before I could back down or run off the door opened and Near emerged from the other side of the door. He looked up at me emotionless before disappearing back into the room. I took that as an invitation to come right in. Once in I shut the door now behind me before looking around the main room of Mello and Near's room. My eyes stopped on the person I was searching for, I walked cautiously towards him and stopped feet away from him. Mello stopped talking to L and looked up at me in surprise.
"Hello Luna, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" L asked looking up at me in his odd sitting position in the ivory colored velvet chair. The way his dark eyes watch my every move, that I finally realized this was going to be harder than I thought.
"I- I, what is your name?  I mean I don't want to call you L anymore," I question him, he looked very solemn while analyzing my eyes for some sort of clue to why I was so hesitant when asking.
"You can call me Ryuzaki," he answered in a calm way, I could hear laughter behind me coming from Giselle. I asked myself why is she laughing, I thought for a moment. I immediately began to show a small frown upon my face as I realized that he gave me an alias, darn him I thought.
"That's not your real name! That's not fair you know my real name and I don't know yours, so tell me yours!" I shouted in anger, the pressure must be getting to my head. His eyes dilated from my sudden outburst, but they soon went back to normal as he sighed and gave me a disarming smile. My heart began to speed, was I in fear or was it something else entirely.
"L Lawliet," he stated.
"Wait what?"
"My name is L Lawliet," he repeated, my eyes went wide and I looked desperately at Near and Mello for confirmation. Mello looked wide eyed at L with his mouth slightly open, and Near froze while stacking dice. Did he just tell me his real name? I don't understand, why would he do that? Many questions flashed through my mind and I also thought of reasons for why he would do that.
"I will have to ask that you refrain from saying it in public, for safety purposes," he continued after a moment.
"Oh, right," I agreed uneasily before thanking him and leaving to my room.
"Ugh!" My pen glided across the page of the 'Death Note' quickly in annoyance. I mentally and physically argued to myself. I can't kill him, I hate him but I can't kill him. I dropped the pen to the hard floor before giving up. Something is wrong with me, I keep hesitating, do I have some kind of feelings for him I ask myself. I always respond with no that's impossible and why do you even think you would have feelings for him. I turned on the TV to clear my mind.

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