Kawa's point of view

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Another Kawa's point of view.

After a while my mind starts to blanken as I continue to look out the window, the tall buildings covering the smaller ones. You can see cars and people rushing around on the roads. The view starts to fade away into darkness, I am now in a dark room, I try to escape but it seems futile. The walls, ceiling, and floor were all made of a strong metal, the room was empty nothing but me inside. A booming voice began,
"If Kira gets caught, he is evil. If Kira rules the world, he is justice," the voice was familiar, but I couldn't figure out who's it was.
"This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die. Someone has to do it, so why not me?" The oddly familiar voice stated, it echoed in the small, dark, metal room.
"I am justice!" This time it was two peoples voices could be heard in the last statement, again I couldn't think who's voice is in all of them, but I could hear L's voice in the last one. I couldn't believe what I heard though, there was no way what I was hearing is true or real.
"Kira being justice, not a chance, and who is calling this world rotten and who is going to change it? On top of that who is talking?" I asked, yelling in confusion and anger, but there was no response. I wasn't one to just give up, but I knew it was futile to try to get through metal without any materials. Then as I sat in the middle of the small empty room the wall on the left lit up, I turned to look at it without getting up. It showed a dark room with a strange creature, its appearance is quite skeletal, with long, spinal cord-like arms and bone-like skin. It's features, such as its hair and the markings on its face are purple, with red eyes looming over Watari in front of three screens. Watari seems to be struggling reaching for something on the desk, on one screen it shows L sitting in front of a desk with a computer on it with a keyboard in front of it. After pressing a large red button on a keyboard on the desk all the screens go white with only three words typed in black 'All Data Deletion' and Watari fell to the floor. The lit wall was almost like a TV and turned off then back on, but now it showed L sitting in that same desk from before with the three black words on the white screen. Many other people were in that room, but I didn't recognize anyone, except for one. They were all talking frantically, but some of the words I didn't know.
"Where is the Shinigami?" One of them asked and they all look around worry on all of there faces even L's. L started to say something but stopped short, his emotionless face suddenly having fear, worry, and shock was all new to me I have never seen him like that. He suddenly dropped the long spoon in his hand and began falling out the left of his chair, I watched in utter horror as he fell and landed on the hard floor. Everyone jumped in surprise fear, worry, and horror on their faces as they all ran up to him, and the screen showed a close up on one of the people. I was shocked, I was also correct it was Light. Then when it became dark again the wall behind me lit up, it showed a long forgotten and abandoned church like place that was barely standing. It looks as if it was ready to crumble at any moment, with a closer look you can see the back of a semitruck. It showed the person driving, In disbelief I said the name outloud.
"Mello?" A large scar on the left side of his face made it slightly hard to recognize him, but I could still recognize him. The wall showed a girl wrapped in a pale brown blanket write 'Mihael Keehl' on a small sheet of paper. Then it showed Mello his eyes were open but he wasn't moving and neither was the semitruck. It showed the girl again she had blood on her and there was a broken window that connected where she is to where Mello is, she was on the phone. The wall then showed me part of someone's face as they smirked, I couldn't tell who it was. Then I was once again in a dark, empty, metal room, no walls were lit up and I was still alone. The horror stayed on my face as I prossessed what I had just witnessed.
"No, that can't be their futures. L, Mello, Watari, who else will die, who killed them. No I can't let any of that happen." I opened my eyes I jumped up still in horror, but I just fell to the floor. I looked around to see that I was back in the hotel, the main room that I share with Linda and Luna. It was dark in the room with only one small lamp on, it was on the glass table in the middle of the two couches that were facing each other. I stood up and walked around the main room, my door was open while all the other doors were closed both seemed to be dark on the other side of the door. They must be asleep then, I thought to myself I look at my phone to check the time, it was one o'clock in the morning. I turned off the lamp and walked into my room I closed the door, then I walked over to the desk in my room and took a small blue, pink, and white striped zigzag notebook and wrote as much as could about what happened yesterday and about my strange and horrific dream. Do they really die that way, and what was that strange creature looming over Watari? No! None of that was real it was just a dream I won't let that happen and I will find all my answers soon. After about an hour I felt satisfied with how much I had written, I went back to quickly skim through the previous day's entries. Then I went to sleep in my bed and I easily slip back into the darkness of sleep. The next morning I awoken slowly as my eyes flickered open to the same room I have stayed in at the hotel. I slowly sat up, I stretched away all the sleepiness from my body, and stood up I walked to the bathroom on the left side of my bed. I brushed my hair and teeth, then I changed into a blue and green pastel dress, I walked into the main room, Linda's door was open and Luna seemed to be in her room. I silently tried to open the door, but it seemed to be locked, then I walked over to the entrance of Linda's room to see she was focused on drawing something. I didn't want to disturb her so I went and sat on the chair facing the TV and looked out the window when suddenly I remembered my strange dream, I wanted to tell someone, but who? I asked myself, I thought of everyone I could talk to, Luna probably wanting to be alone like always, and Linda was very focused on drawing. I guess I will tell someone later, right then Luna walked out of her room.
"Good morning," I said, she looked at me and thought for a moment.
"Good morning, do you want to come with me to go get some breakfast in the hotel cafe?" She asked putting on a pair of blue ballet flats that matched her deep blue and gold dress.
"Yes I would," I said as I start to put on my pastel green flats. We made our way to the hotel cafe other than ordering we really didn't speak we were both thinking of stuff that has been going on. Just as we were leaving I asked her if she wanted to go to a dress store, she seemed a bit shaken up, she refused, and said that she didn't feel like going out today, and that she wanted just to stay in the hotel. We made our way back in an easy silence, when we returned she frantically made her way to her room. I walked up to her room door and tried to open it, to my surprise it wasn't locked, I slowly and carefully crack the door just so that I can see. She was sitting at her desk with the news on the small TV, her pen glided across the page of a black note book with old looking pages. After a few moments she closed the black note book and put it in the top drawer, she even turned off the TV. Then she stood up and walked towards the door I was at, quickly I got into my room that was right next to her room. She walked out of her room and left into the hotel hall, I slowly exit my room and opened the door. I walked carefully over to her desk and opened the top drawer to see the black note book that she was previously writing in. It looked old up close, I read the silver colored words that spelled out the words 'Death Note" in old writing.

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