Dream World

22 1 0

Luna's point of view

My eyes flashed open to the sound of my annoying alarm clock going off, I threw my arms up before rolling to kill it. I soon crawled out of bed to hunt down my supposed to be hanging up after a wash uniform for school in my hurricane scattered bedroom. I rushed downstairs to see my mother watching television.
"Hey mom, what are you watching?"
"Honey, did you know that kids from your school are going missing, then are being found dead days later?" My mother questioned scared and frighted.
"No, I didnt"
That is creepy.
Now that she mentioned, I haven't seen some of my classmates. I mean they were bullys, but they didn't deserve to die. Who could do something like that.
"When did that start?" I asked
"About a month ago."
"A month ago, then why is school still active!" I shout in surprise.
"I dont know sweetie, but I don't think it's a good idea to keep going to the school!"
"Mom school is almost over, just two more weeks."
"All right but please be careful!"
"Alright mom I will." I said as I left my house and walked in the direction of my school.
It was at that moment when two police officers came up to me.
"Can I help you?" I ask some what confused.
"We're from the NPA police force and we are here to escort
you to our headquarters."
"Why?" I asked scared out of my mind.
"Your convicted of being the murderer of kids that are going missing from your school. So please come with us, L would like to inspect you."
I looked up at the two police officers confused and scared, who was this L and why do they suspect me, but I should go with them, I don't want to cause any problems.
"Okay I'll come, but what will happen to my mother?" I asked.
"Don't worry, we'll handle that,"
Some time later we came to a big building and we walked inside. It was a pretty interesting headquarters that looked beautiful in the inside.
I was soon escorted into a room with a chair and some cameras.
The whole time I was in there I had to listen to a robotic voice asking me questions after questions. Of course the investigation came to a close and they found their culprit, which wasn't me by the way, but they haven't let me go yet. Days go by and finally a man came in and escorted me to a black limo. I was took home to pack my belongings which I find strange, where would I be going? My mother hadn't said much to me since I got back but I guess that it would be normal, she was told that her own child is suspected of murder. When I was done packing the escorter took my things to the limo, I said my farewells to my mother then I was off,
we went to the airport and boarded a plane.
"Where are we going?" I asked
"Why?" I questioned surprised
"Its your punishment for being in on the case,"
I didn't know what to say, so I looked out the window. When the plane finally stopped we got off and that was when the guy that was escorting me came to me and put a cloth over my eyes and mouth , and that is all I could remember.
I opened my eyes and was met with a dark room, a computer on the floor and a guy that was on it then darkness overcame me.

(Lawliet x reader OC) The Dark inside the Light Where stories live. Discover now