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Third person

Mello and Nori were rushing back to the orphanage, they had many things to say, along with plans and worries. When they got back they both went to Roger's office. When they got there Nori knocked on the door.
"Come in," Roger's voice could be heard. Nori entered first then Mello, then Nori started to speak.
"Kawa Tamashi is no longer at alleyway 48," Nori walked up to Roger's desk and put the three items; a phone with a blue. handmade flower charm, a solid black headband, and a piece of a note, he found on his desk then continued to speak.
"These three items were found in alleyway 48, I have come to conclude that she has been kidnapped. I know this because there were ropes laying on the ground that seemed to have been tied tightly around something. Then not far away a rope smelled of Chloroform." Roger looked surprised, he looked at the phone with the flower charm and the note. The note seemed to have been ripped up and this was one of the pieces.
"Was there anything else?"
"There was a metal barrel that was lit, but it had only been lit for a few minutes," Nori answered, but Roger questioned. "Is there anyway to track her?" Mello asked stepping closer to Roger's desk.
"No, that would not be possible," Roger answered simply, as Linda rushed into the office.
"I'm sorry, I forgot to lock the door and Luna escaped!" She shouted with an apologetic tone.
"Great, another person missing." Nori said boredly, as he put his hand to his head for a moment, Mello went to take a bite out of his chocolate bar.
"Mello, to now answer your question, yes it's now possible to track her." L stated, Mello jumped in surprise from the sudden voice that seemingly came from knowhere, causing a piece of the chocolate bar in his mouth to fall to the tiled floor. He turned to see L sitting on the couch behind him in his odd position, and everyone else turned to also spot L.
"When the hell did you get in here, and how the hell do you know we can track her?" Mello asked furiously.
"Just a hunch," L answered.
"L we don't understand." Roger stated as he intertwined his fingers together.
"One moment," L said pulling a silver laptop off the table next to him, and started typing.
"I have concluded ahead of time that Luna would escape, so I put a tracking device in her clothes. And I have located her." L stated once he stopped typing.
"Aren't you forgetting someone? Kawa doesn't have a tracker, so how do we find her?" Mello asked still furious, but confused. L turned the laptop to the other people in the room. Mello read the information on the screen.
"29307 Holloway, London, England. An abandoned prison?" Mello questioned in surprise reading the address again in his mind.
"Yes, an abandoned prison that has been taken as a hideout for a few kidnapping organizations." L said turning the laptop back to himself.
"What's the chance Kawa will be there too?" Mello asked.
" Um, I would say about 95%," L replied.
"That's a two hour drive, if we want to get there before anything happens to them we must leave quickly." Nori stated.
"I will tell Watari to prepare the car." L said typing at the computer again.
"Should we bring another caretakers?" Nori asked turning to Roger.
"Yes, go get William to go along with you." Roger replied as he turned his chair back to the window behind his desk. Nori and Linda exit the room quickly, while Mello and L started to strategize there plan when they get there.

Chapter 4        Rescue
First person
Kawa's point of view

We have been sitting in this prison like place in a prison like cell for about two hours. Me and that girl named Luna have not spoke to each other since my outburst. I have met the other girl in the cell with us, her name is Sophie and she is only a year younger than me. We talked for about an hour, but someone came, and yelled at us to quiet down before something 'terrible accidently happens.' A few minutes ago I saw Luna inspecting the cell when there were no guards around, but stopped as a guard passed a moment ago. Now we are quiet again as guards and organization workers walk by, exchanging words as they pass us and each other.
"How much longer do you think we will be locked here?" Sophie asked quietly so no one passing by could hear.
"Shut up," Luna said sitting in the corner. I rolled my eyes and looked at Sophie.
"Not much longer, I promise." I said calmly.
"You can't promise that," Luna stated quite loudly.
"Lower your voice please, first of all I can because I know that L, Mello, and Near could do something as easy as find missing people and retrieve them. Second of all, the orphanage won't leave anyone behind without trying first. Third, why do you have an attitude?" I questioned standing up to try to show my superior point.
"I don't have an attitude I am just upset that I am trapped, and I can't find a way to escape. Also I haven't eaten recently." Luna answered turning her head away, I sat back down as I think about the orphanage and what happened before my kidnapping. Maybe she is right this place is causing both of us to get easily upset at each other, and maybe there is no escape on our own. I know that the orphanage will help, I can't ever give up on that hope, even if I tried. As two organization workers crossed paths one told the other that an unauthorized vehicle appeared on the east side of the building. With that they both ran off in the direction one came. Luna stood up and looked around the cell quickly as people rushed passed us on the other side of the prison bars.
"I found something," she said as she rushes to the bars from the door and back again.
"So, don't leave us in the dark, we can help." I stated standing up, as she continues inspecting the bars in front and the door in the back.
"Okay so the door has to be locked with a key and there is a strange computer like system and the bottom of the bars seem strange." She states stopping her inspection to show us.
"Yeah you're right. Maybe the computer system lifts the bars but keeps the door locked, while the normal lock is only for the door. Also the computer system must have a code to get into it and if you get it wrong an alarm goes off." I say trying to remember the book I borrowed on locking systems and other computer systems.
"So you know the orphanage better, with whoever they send do you think they know this and do you think they will be able to get us out?" Luna questioned, I looked at her in confusion at first, but smiled with confidence and answered.
"Without a sweat."
"Good then we just need to somehow let them know where we are." She said as she started thinking again.
"No we just have to have confidence in them if they need help they will somehow let us know." I stated as I smiled she looked down then nods her head in agreement. We then sat down calmly listening to the rushing workers and guards to figure out what is going on.
As we listen we hear that they are advancing, and that one has entered the building. Then all the workers and guards stopped rushing past and ceased to be seen.
"Where did they all go?" Sophie asked with confusion
"Maybe they're all outside or maybe they all pissed themselves and ran away." Luna laughed, I rolled my eyes, sighed, and ignored her. minutes later the door clicked and opened to show a tall man with black hair and brown eyes, he is wearing a black shirt and white jeans.
"Come on and let's get out of here." he said
"Why would you come, William?" I questioned exiting the cell.
"I was told to, now let's go." I gave in for now and rushed out of the cell. Once out I turned to see Luna trying to run off.
"Um, William you might not want to let her run off." I stated, he turned and quickly caught her, while they rush away I see Sophie run off with a key.
We managed to get to the car in one piece, once in the car I  actually hear Luna's insults.
"What about the other people?" I asked, over Luna's insults.
"The local police force have been notified," L stated as he put his silver laptop next to him and focused his eyes on the struggling Luna.

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