Chapter 6 Trouble with keeping it a secret.

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Kawa's point of view

Next day

I awoke in a silent and motionless room, slowly I sat up on my bed thinking of the day before. It wasn't long until I finally got off my bed and got ready for the day. After brushing my hair and teeth along with changing to a orange dress with blue and pink floral patterns, with pink laced flats. I walk out into the main room, I sit on the chair facing the TV and look around, Luna's door shut while Linda's door is open, the glass table and the glass desk reflecting the sunlight. While I sit in the silent room Linda walked out of her room and over to me. She is wearing a carmine red sweatshirt with black leggings and black and white patterned sneakers.
"Are you ready we will be leaving soon and I do want to be able to see everything," she said looking at me and then twirling in place.
"I am ready, I will just get my bag and Luna then we can go." I stood up from the chair and knocked on Luna's door, after a moment of silence Luna opened the door. She looks as if she had just awoken, her hair unbrushed and her eyes tired.
"You are coming, Linda wants you to, so hurry and get ready, we are leaving soon." It took Luna a little bit to think.
"Fine! I will get ready just give me a minute." She closes the door, I can hear her shuffling around her room getting ready for our trip. A few minutes later she exits her room, she is now wearing a brown and gold dress with copper colored flower designed with a golden colores bow on the right side of the dress, she also has golden brown sandels.
"That's a fancy dress you have on," I said as she walked over to me and Linda.
"Thanks I really love this dress," Luna stated, then we all made our way down the hall to the elevator. Once we got into the elevator Linda pressed the button with the number fifteen on it. We waited until the doors opened in an easy silence, the doors opened slowly we walked calmly down the hallway to room two. I knocked on the door, a shout came from the otherside of the door telling us to wait a moment for one of them to get to the door and let us in. The door opened, Near was standing on the other side of the door. He is wearing a white t-shirt with white pants that of course matches his white hair, along with white shoes.
"Hello Near, are you ready to go to the amusement park?" Linda asked with excitement.
"Yes, let's go," he replied closing the door behind him. We all walk back to the elevator going to the bottom floor, once we got out of the elevator we walk across the large lobby. Outside there is a limo waiting for us to take us to the park. Linda and Near sat next to each other in the front of me and Luna.
"I can't wait to get there, this is going to be so much fun," Linda said briming with excitement.
"I agree, I can't wait to get there and have fun," I state trying to put some of my profusioned amount of excitement into words. I never went anywhere exciting in the nine years of being in the orphanage, and I was too young to remember anything like this when I was with my real family.
"I remember when I used to hang out with my friends at the amusement park," Luna said seemingly remembering her past.
"Really, where did you live before you came to Wammy's House?" Linda asked with curiosity.
"I lived in Yokohama, and my school had kids going missing, then they were found dead a few days later. All the students were somehow close to me, so I became a suspect." Luna looks upset as she seemingly thinks about the students that she stated were dead.
"That's harsh, but they have already caught the culprit by now, and other than not going home you are not being punished anymore." I stated looking over at her, sadness in my eyes.
"I think whoever the culprit was they were most likely trying to frame you as the culprit, because they had a grudge or something against you." Near stated, I look at the back of the chair in front of me that he is sitting in and I think about it. He's probably correct about that.
"Yeah, but I have to wonder what I did to cause that person to hold a grudge like that." Luna murmured just loud enough for everyone in the car to hear, as she looked out the window on her right.
"Maybe it wasn't just you, maybe they were also driven by some other reasons, some sort of pressure, or maybe it was not just you." I said as I turn to look out the window on my left, for a second she looked pained as she thought about her past that she might never have again.
"Sorry to interrupt the conversation but we are almost there, and I don't want anyone to be depressed there. This is meant to be an exciting time to have fun." Linda stated as she looks into the distance spotting the amusement park. We all remain in a an easy silence as we arrive at the park. Once the limo parked we all got out and began walking to the entrance to the amusement park. Linda paid then we all walked through the gate immediately seeing all the stands and rides.
"I think we will separate into two groups, I will go with Near while Kawa and Luna go together, agreed?" Linda turned to us and stated.

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