5 Years Later

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*5 Years Later

Ariana's POV

It's already 5 years since AJ was born. he's really good looking. he kinda looks like Justin. anyway. today is his birthday. he's already 5 years old. i was decorating while someone rang the doorbell. i quickly opened it and saw justin and selena with their daughter. selena's daughter really looked like her.

"hey guys come on in." i said and moved away for them to come in.

"so what's her name?" i asked justin and selena

"Selin" the said.

"oh combination of your names!" i said and clapped my hands. even though im twenty six years old i still am like 12 lol.

"let's go in for you to meet AJ" i said

"AJ?" Justin asked

"Yep, the first letters of Mine and Jai's names" i said

"that's pretty cool" they both said.

we walked in the kitchen and saw jai playing with AJ. they looked so cute.

"AJ here's uncle Justin and aunt Selena" i said picking up AJ letting him see them in their height level.

"hello" AJ said which is really cute.

"aww" selena said.

we all enjoyed the party pretty much. as jai came over to me. we were outside our garden in the pool. justin and AJ were playing with Selena and Selin.

"you know i still think AJ's not my son" jai said laughing.

"and why is that?" i asked

"he really looks like justin" jai replied

"you know i love you right?" i asked him

"and i love you too" he said kissing me. i kissed back.

Justin's POV

I saw Jai and Ariana kissing. am i jealous? no. maybe. okay fine yes! selena interrupted my thoughts.

"they're so sweet. aren't they?"

"yeah" i replied.

"you know, sometimes i wonder if AJ's your son. he really looks like you" selena said

"i know right?" i replied.

Ariana's POV

*1 week after AJ's Birthday

It's Saturday as Justin, Selena and Selin were playing with AJ. AJ's been so close to justin lately. he copied his bieber bangs shake and his smile.

"hey i think we should get a DNA test" Jai said seriously.

"what?" i asked laughing

"come on please?" jai said

"for what jai?" i asked still laughing

"i really think somethings wrong with AJ. you know what? so much for the question. let's just go have a DNA test" he said grabbing one of justin's hair.

"ouch!" justin said "what was thanfor bro" he continued.

"sorry, you had something on your hair and i had to get it but my finger got stuck so i had to pull on of your hair." jai said.

justin laughed and nodded. jai kissed AJ on the cheecks as he grabbed on of his blood bottle he had.

"uhm guys we're just gonna go grab some dinner. we'll be right back" jai excused they all nodded and continued to play. me and jai drove to the hospital and as we got in we saw scooter with yael.

"scooter, oh my gosh how long has it been?" i asked hugging him tight. he hugged me tight as well.

"2 days girly we just recorded a song" he said letting go and laughing.

"oh yeah" was all i said "so what brings you here?" i asked

"yael's 3 months pregnant." he said

"oh my gosh congrats yael" i said. hugging her

"thanks" she said letting go.

we said our goodbyes as we approached the doctor and asked for a DNA examination. Jai gave him Justin's hair and AJ's Blood. he came out after 30 minutes with the results.

"miss grande.."

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