Ancestor Poo

426 17 6

Lloyd's POV.

I did a super slam and created enough force to knock Jay's balance off, causing the three glasses stacked on his head to tumble.

He caught them, fumbling them a bit and glared. "Lloyd, can't you be a little less annoying and go play video games instead? I'm trying to balance these glasses!"

"I thought Sensei told us to practice our powers," I retorted back, zapping him in the butt for a little bit more of a reaction.

He glared again. "I am!"

"How the poop is balancing two glasses on your head practicing your power?"

"It's three," Jay smirked and placed the glasses on top of his head again. "Watch."

"I'm watching."

"Oooh coooo mooo dooo fooo tooo looo pooo-"

I cackled.

Again, Jay glared. "Lloyd, you are messing up my concentration!"

"You said poo!"

"I can't help what the ancient ancestors spoke!"

"They spoke poo apparently."

"You are so immature!"

"You're the one with the glasses on your head!"

Jay huffed and stormed out. I laughed again to myself, cackling away. "He said poo!"

I lifted a few weights and did some spinjitzu and then called it a day, even though it was six in the morning.

As I headed up the stairs, I passed Zane meditating. I took the picture off the wall, the famous one of 'Snake Battle' and placed it carefully in front of the peaceful ninja, who was gonna open his eyes for a surprise.

Sensei was across the hall doing the same but I preferred not to get early morning training and the job of cleaning up dragon poop.

I passed the living room, where Jay was making out with Nya. Eye roll. That's disgusting. So I made a few barfing noises as I shut the door and continued to the kitchen for breakfast.

Next I walked past Cole, who was possessing a shoe and trying to stomp up the stairs. So I picked him up.

"Lloyd! Put me down!"

"You want me to?"

"Yes! I'm trying to see if I can get all the way up the stairs!"

I put him down at the bottom again. He groaned. "No! All my hard work!"

I did an evil laugh and left him there, moaning and groaning.

Kai's bedroom door was cracked open and he was snoozing away, snoring quietly but once in a while twitching.  Also, it felt like a furnace in his room all the time.

One time he set his curtains on fire. Nya declared that it was too dangerous for him to sleep with his door shut so he always has to leave it a little open while he sleeps.

It's okay though because that guy can sleep through a fire alarm.

I paused, watching his chest rise and fall. Kai hasn't left his room in a while and I can't remember the last time he sat down with the rest of the ninja for a proper meal. I was really tying hard to get everyone back in a routine after all that happened, but its not as easy as it sounds.

Last time I tried knocking on Kai's door, a fire ball whipped out at my face. Usually I wouldn't tolerate that misuse and dangerous use of our elements, but recently I've been letting things go with Kai. I know he has a lot going on.

The only person he has been allowing in his room is Jay. Annoying, talkative Jay. Who knows, maybe that lightning mouth has good talks with him.

He doesn't even let Nya in. I know it hurts her more than she lets on, but again, I've been leaving it and hoping they can solve it themselves.

I continued onward.

"If that's everyone," I said out loud to myself, "then who's making breakfast?" I could smell the orange juice and bacon all the way to the training room, yet I passed everyone on the way up.

Everyone except -

"Hi Lloyd!"

"Hi Dom. What are you doing in the kitchen? I thought it was Coles turn to make breakfast?"

"It is but sense Sensei invited me to live in the Bounty with you guys, I feel like a burden.  So I decided to cook breakfast for you today."  She flipped another waffle, her hair coming around and resting on her shoulder perfectly.

She flipped it back.

I leaned against the counter. "Oh? That's cool! I mean, you make amazing orange juice-"

"Which you are sitting in."

Oh dear.


Hey guys! New book! Gonna see how it works!! Sorry I don't update much. I have a lot on my plate. ☺️

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