Chapter Ten: My Friend, Draco.

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That night I didn't sleep a wink. Instead, I dropped by Snape's office before he left for the night just to ask him a few DADA questions and then I used my invisibility cloak to roam the corridors. I found a few secret entrances and exists that I hadn't even known existed. I ended up in Hogsmeade a few times but never stayed long. I almost got caught by Filch's ugly cat a few times as well. She followed me by my sent for many floors of the castle before I would lose her again.

Now it's nearly dawn so I'm back in the common room waiting for the other girls to awaken. I watch out the windows at the little fish swimming by. Emily eventually comes stumbling down the steps followed closely by Marie.

"Ugh Emily, help me figure out this tie." Says Marie as she struggles with it.

"Okay, stop, stop, stop. You're going to choke yourself."

Emily helps Marie as Lydia flounces down the steps happily.

"You didn't wake me up!" She sings as she flops down beside me.

I give her a grin thinking about all the rooms I explored during the night.


"Keep it up." She says with a wide smile.

Then together we waltz up to the Dining Hall for breakfast.

We take our usual spot next to Draco's group. However, Pansy hasn't arrived yet so I take my chance and sit next to Draco. Emily and Blaise sit across from us and our other friends sit by Goyle and Crabbe. Draco gives me a small surprised smile as I sit down beside him.

"Morning." He says.

"Good morning." I say trying to sound cheery.

I begin dishing out food and almost laugh out loud as Pansy and Millicent enter giving me the death glare. Hey, I can sit by whom ever I wish. They all continue talking and I find myself listening instead of joining in. Beside me, Draco talks to Crabbe and Goyle and I hear him mentioning quitting Quidditch.

"What? You love Quidditch!" I interject.

Draco looks over at me with a strange look.

"It's alright. I just don't feel up to it this year."

"Oh." I try not to look too disappointed but I really am.

What's wrong with him? Now he's even giving up what he loves. Maybe he only played it before because he wanted to beat Harry?

"Is this because you lost to Potter?" I joke.

Draco glares at me again, "No. Who cares if Potter wins. It's just a sport." He mumbles the last part.

I raise a brow but say nothing else. He clearly suffers more than he lets on. I can't help but feel like he's up to something.


The morning drags on and I watch Draco carefully and notice his dull mood. I don't bother to talk to him much until charms class. Instead of sitting with one of my girlfriends, I take a bold move and sit beside him before any of his friends can show up. I set my bag down and look over at Draco's somewhat confused and startled face.

"Hey." I say with a bright smile.

He cheers up slightly and relaxes a little, "Hello."

"Is it alright if I sit with you?" I ask to make sure.

"Well you are already. So yes, I suppose."

I smirk and pull out my quill and parchment as well as my textbook.

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