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Hey guys I'm glad you chose to read this story. This is my first ever story so I apologise for errors but I'm trying my hardest. What inspired me to write this story honestly was from a dream I had one day and since then i've slowly been adding onto that dream each day and it got me to write this story. I know that sounds weird but don't judge me. If you could comment on each chapter and give me your thoughts on it can help me further improve this story.

-Kristen D

A young,clever intelligent Hayley Louise went to discover the world for herself at 3 years old and discovered the village of Godric's Hallow. She found out she was a witch and then went into hiding because of the events of 31st October 1981. She hid there for atleast 7 or so years until she received her letter from Hogwarts saying she got accepted. Once she goes into Diagon Alley for the first time her life adventure as a witch begins. Hayley's Hogwarts days are far from normal than the average Hogwarts student. In her 4th year she starts having these weird attacks and in her 6th year she meets a man in Animagi form and that man turns out to be Sirius Black. What will happen through Hayley's life, what adventures lie ahead, read to find out.

The life of Hayley-Louise Black (Harry Potter Fanfiction) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now