Chapter 1: The Unexpected Pregnancy

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At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry the 1976-1977 school year had just finished. The 4 marauders James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were seeing hogwarts for the last time that school year. Their hogwarts time was over and they had to figure out what to do with their lives for the next 3 months. James couldn't wait to have Sirius over for the summer holidays. As they got into a compartment on the Hogwarts Express with their  two best friends Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew they all talked about what they wanted to do after they left Hogwarts. James wanted to live a wonderful life with someone special as Sirius had expected him to say. As they were getting off the Hogwarts Express Sirius pulled James aside to talk to him in private about something he didn't want Remus or Peter overhearing.

"James I want to travel a little bit and just to see what's out there." Sirius said nervously awaiting James reply.

James, looking a bit upset at Sirius replied back. "That's alright Sirius I don't mind at all," "just make sure you visit me sometime."

"Of course James," "how could I not go to my best friends house after all that you and your family has done for me" Sirius said with enjoyment in his eyes

As James and Sirius headed to see Remus and Peter to say good bye and think about all those memories they had whilst at Hogwarts. All 4 of them saw the scarlet train go away into the distance . This is it the finally begin making a living for themselves in and out of the wizarding world.

Sirius then gathered everything he would need for the trip and started his adventure on the following morning. Not knowing where he was going decided to go into the muggle world and see if he could find any good looking women, like the ones he saw on those muggle magazines of his. He didn't know exactly where to go so he went to the entrance of King's Cross Station and hoping he would see posters of those women. It took ages however but Sirius then stopped a poster that had a advertisement for a local nightclub and it had a picture of a gorgeous looking woman. However this nightclub didn't open till 8pm so Sirius had to do a couple hours waiting.

As it was only 30 minutes until the nightclub opened, Sirius made sure he had some muggle money which he nicked on standby just incase. As he arrived he was absolutely no security at all so Sirius managed to get in undetected and when he entered it was the strangest thing he's ever seen. There was no magic at all in this place from music and djs, to clothing and the only type of drinks they had were alcohol. Sirius didn't want to party on the dance floor as most of the people in the nightclub were doing, Sirius just wanted to meet a beautiful looking lady.

Sirius was about to leave the nightclub as he had gotten bored real quick but all of the sudden there was a poke on his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Sirius said in shock.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you i'm Heather Louise age 17 and you are?" The young woman asked.

Sirius stared at this woman, she wasn't just an ordinary muggle, she was 100x more beautiful than the woman on the poster.   

"Why are you even in this nightclub when you're 17?" Sirius asked.

"I wanted to hangout with some of my friends but none of them turned up."  Heather answered.

"Hello and welcome to the Fabric nightclub in London, before you all begin to party there is one rule we have in place." DJ Kyle said in a booming voice "If anyone here is underage and caught they are eligible to go to prison."

"I don't know your name but please help me," Heather said with horror in her voice. "I can't imagine what my parents will do to me if they see me in you know."

Sirius looked at the woman, he didn't want her to get caught she was only having a good night out
"Alright i'll help let's go and mingle in with everyone else so it doesn't look suspicious." Sirius said.

The life of Hayley-Louise Black (Harry Potter Fanfiction) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now