Chapter 24: Does it Work?

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Each night Hayley went to the secret room to make sure the Animagi potion hadn't been somehow stolen but with each visit it was still there in the place she had put it.

As the term went by Hayley was still succeeding in all of her class except Divination, it was Professor Trelawney that made it that way, you'd feel the same way if she kept mentioning your 'trials and suffering' and 'death' tea leaves every lesson. Professor Snape really knows how to damper someone's mood after a good day, look at him why don't you. In the most recent potions class Professor Snape assigned the class to make a shrieking solution, which wasn't that hard for Hayley. Once her potion was finished Hayley signalled for Professor Snape to come have a look, even though it was absolutely perfect Snape didn't recognise it.

"Just like any other shrieking solution i've seen any third-year made." Professor Snape said bluntly.

When Professor Snape dismissed the class Hayley ran out like two gigantic trees were running at an incredible rate but was grasped by the wrist in a harshly manner.

"Hayley you've got to stop putting so much stress on yourself." Poppy told Hayley while firmly holding her wrist.

"Put what, look I better..." Hayley panted, recovering from the 'running' that she did as she was in a rush.

"No listen."


"I'm not the only one who's noticed you've been occupied with something for awhile, whatever it is you got to stop."

"I'm fine Poppy now leave me be."

Hayley then forced her arm out of Poppy's grasp before heading to the common room in a brashly way.

What Poppy didn't realize was that she'd been standing there long enough as the second-years who had potions started to pile up in front of the class. Rebecca hastily went ahead of the Lynx twins bumping into a older girl which turned out to be Poppy.

"Sorry didn't mean to." Rebecca apologized helping Poppy back up.

Poppy got up with Rebecca's support, focusing her gaze from students onto Rebecca before saying. "It's alright."

"Poppy do you know what Hayley's been up to."

"No why?"

"Have you seen her around, I want to talk to her but I haven't seen her today." Bella slithered into their conversation with ease.

"Just before you three came Hayley left in the other direction, if I see her i'll tell her to find you Bella."

"Thanks Poppy, now we better head into potions don't you think."

"Not if Snape keeps emptying my cauldron." Jane sighed.

"Maybe if you added everything in that wouldn't have happened, remember last class where you forgot to add one ingredient." Rebecca retorted as she knew potions wasn't Jane's strong suit.

"Hey I try to pay attention, Snape's the reason why I can't seem to do everything right."

As night time drew closer Patrica Sutherland, a first-year Ravenclaw was on the receiving end on one of Fred and George's pranks. It was clear by the way Patrica came into the common room smelling like animal dung and clutching onto her bag as if her life was on it's last straw that the people behind it could only be the infamous Weasley twins.

"Those twins." Hayley chuckled.

Quite conveniently Patrica was the last person to go sleep as she could be heard trying the scrub off dung that had got caught in the bottoms of her shoes, wretched screams and sigh could be heard non stops from the girls dormitories until it was the first-years curfew.

How Hayley snuck into the secret room, grabbed the animagi potion and made her way to the forbidden forest without running into or getting snitched by some unwanted person she didn't know but it was a miracle. Not wanting to adventure too far into the forest Hayley found this private space on the outskirts, not that much further than Hagrid's hut when you think about it. Roughly ten minutes later it was pitch black outside so you could only see black figures roaming around, well a black figure since Hayley was the only one out as far as she was aware.

"Hope this works." Hayley muttered.

Just as Hayley was above to give upon all hope a lighting storm passed by, making it's first strike signifing the completion of the now blood red coloured potion.

Hayley grabbed her wand and pointed it right in the middle of her chest as if she were to stab herself like muggles do with knives. "Amato Animo Animato Animagus." She muttered gulping the entire animagi potion in two quick swallows.

Instantly Hayley started to feel a fiery pain all over with an unusual double heartbeat. What animal came into her mind was a raven with extremely powerful claws like an eagles. Moments later Hayley was now in the form a small black bird and she didn't hesitate to try out her new flying ability. For about half an hour or so Hayley spent flying around the castle getting an overall picture she wouldn't normally get to see if she was travelling on the ground.

Hayley settled down by where her wand was and clearly visualize her human self and had transformed back into her human body. Having made quite a bit of ruckus Hayley quickly grabbed her wand and empty phial, heading back to the castle for a well needed rest.

The life of Hayley-Louise Black (Harry Potter Fanfiction) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now