Chapter 22: Decided

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'Yes.' Hayley finished.

How Hayley was going to pull it off undetected was to be decided later on, but all Hayley knew was she wanted to get started on the animagus process as soon as possible.

After researching the animagus process it was discovered the process was no killjoy, infact it took serious preparation and one tiny mistake could lead Hayley into dangerous waters. It's said you must hold a mandrake leaf in your mouth, not for a few hours or days but for a grand whopping time of one month. Hayley knows some advanced charms to conceal it but it can only for so long as Hayley's friends might get suspicious when they see her eating habits change.

To do it properly Hayley needed to do some additional research just to fine tune some things she wasn't sure about, so Hayley dashed out of the common room the following morning to find the book that contains all the information that would be relevant to the rebellious task she was about to undergo.

People were questioning Hayley's motives when she got to the library because why need to go to such a place when you practically have a library in your brain, a library in which you remember everything within. Being at Hogwarts for just over a year and a bit Hayley had memorised much to the library and roughly were each book was kept. Memorising every location of a book in a library was insane, but knowing where certain books are (animal books, spell books etc) was what Hayley knew how to do, forging over to where the books on Animagi are said to be.

"Score!" Hayley whispered flicking a bit of hair back that got in the way while snatching the book about animagi from the shelf.

Once Hayley had briefly read the books she sighed hoping for a miracle to help make the process easier. Dew from a place that the sun didn't shine upon or touched by humans for at least a week was going to be hard to find. Hayley could talk to Hagrid as his hut is literally next to the place where this dew could be located, but was already having second thoughts due to responses that she was imagining.

"Thats absurutely absurd 'ayley no way am I telling yer anything."

Either way Hayley was going to have to buck up the courage to ask Hagrid in a way that didn't sound like she was up to something illegal. Before starting to brew the concoction to become an animagus Hayley was going to have the plan how to get all of the ingredients without people knowing what she was up to. Hayley took the book up to Madam Pince who was placing the book on a shelf behind her.

"I need to borrow that." Hayley exclaimed.

"What for?" Madam Pince questioned.

"For real, i'm in third-year now oh yes they moved me up and on the Transfiguration curriculum there's animagi. What's wrong with wanting a little background reading on a subject, I want to keep my perfect score streak in classes you know, can't afford to let it step so if you would give me that book."

That woman was in a pissy mood after she gave the book to Hayley because she immediately went off the defence and yelled at two first-year Gryffindors for no apparent reason.

Just when things couldn't get any worse when Hayley exited the library she was confronted by the one and only Lucian Bole.

"You again." Hayley gasped bitterly at the sight of the Slytherin whom she despised, and in turn despised her back.

"Well well look what we have here, Hogwarts biggest nerd." Lucian sniggered.

"You actually seem to think that something as ridiculous as that hurts my feelings somewhat, you're wrong sonny. Piece of advice Lucian, now that i've moved up it opens more doors for me to annoy you and I might add prank you."

The life of Hayley-Louise Black (Harry Potter Fanfiction) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now