Chapter 20: Ruby Necklace

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By the following day Hayley had told Professor Flitwick the three elective subjects she'd like to take, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures and Divination. Hayley chose Arithmancy due to the numerology aspect, Care of Magical Creatures because she wanted hands on experience with magical creatures and Divination since it would be interesting to see what Professor Trelawney could foretell, it's said by many students who've taken Trelawney's class that she's a fraud who couldn't predict shit, Hayley had to witness that for herself.

On Hayley's timetable she started the day with one of her new subjects, Arithmancy while the rest of the Capitosus had Herbology with the Slytherins, so it was awkward talking about first period classes, this was proven just after breakfast when the Capitosuses were getting ready for first period.

"Wonder what Professor Sprout is going to show us today in Herbology." Rebecca told the other Capitosues while re tying her blue and sliver ribbon around the collar of her shirt which was either too tight or too loose each time.

"Hopefully it's something different than the mandrakes, I can't stand their cries it's like a bratty baby whining luckily I was never like that." Jane said with confidence, clutching her partly worn Herbology book under her arm.

Bella and Hayley both bursted into sudden fits of laughter which made Jane and Rebecca starting at them with confusion.

"Not a bratty whiny baby my arse, i've overheard mum talking about us as babies during the holidays and it was mentioned that you were a difficult piece of work, in other words Jane you were a bratty whiny baby." Bella smirked changing Jane's mood.

"That's all lies, Hayley tell me you don't believe what Bella is saying." Jane changed from Bella to gazing into Hayley's, hoping that Hayley would side with her.

"Sorry to disappoint but i've known you since we met on the Hogwarts Express and you do have the tendency to act like that." Hayley shrugged. "Look I don't want to be late on my first day so see you later."

"First day Hayley but it's the third week of term what you playing at."

Hayley whizzed out of the room before Jane had started to speak, her mindset was to get to Arithmancy on time, to Hayley Professor Victor was like Professor McGonagall, fair but strict, only one can imagine what would happen if you turned up late.

Arithmancy was on the seventh floor in classroom 7A, so Hayley headed up in that direction but was stopped several times by older students telling her to go the greenhouses where the second-year Ravenclaws would have their first period, Hayley ignored this continuing her journey to the Arithmancy class. Hayley's face was panting while she was running at rapid speed, those students slowed her down and so when she arrived at classroom 7A she wasn't surprised at the fact she was late.

Taking her seat beside some Ravenclaw who Hayley had seen a couple of times in the Ravenclaw common room raised the attention of the third-years in that class: What is she doing here she's a second year? Aren't you supposed to be in Herbology with your little group of friends?

"Hayley you must be the one that moved up from second-year, am I right?" Professor Victor asked making her way over to Hayley's desk.

"Sure am Professor, why do you ask, am I such a bad presence inside these walls." Hayley retorted picking up on Professor Victor's distasteful tone.

"Ms Louise you're a good observer I must say but no that's not what I meant."

As soon as Professor Victor walked away from Hayley, she whispered to herself annoying the Ravenclaw beside her.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that."

"Hayley pay attention will you." The Ravenclaw whom Hayley was sitting next to nudged her.

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