Chapter 21: Insight to Animagi

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There was something about the necklace in general that seemed unearthing, whatever it was Hayley wanted to get to the bottom of it and to do that she went to Poppy, never in all of Hayley's life at Hogwarts had she dealt with something which looked like an ordinary muggle necklace. Yet again why had someone left the package there where it was in a first in first serve thing, the ruby necklace wasn't normal Hayley could tell just by looking at it. Not wanting to meddle with the necklace unless she was absolutely sure it was safe, Hayley took it took Poppy in the hopes of under covering the secrets of the ruby necklace.

The day the third-years were due to start Animagi everyone was perky, turning into an animal at will is really fascinating and many students were eager to learn, some even went to the lengths of doing their own research on animagi before the lesson.

Hayley was engrossed in her own conversation about animagi with Poppy, not just to talk about it but to fill up the time before transfiguration. Relaxing in the armchairs that the common room provided with Hayley made herself comfortable while she had the chance.

"Animagi can't believe we finally get to learn them." Poppy exclaimed.

"Wicked it would be cool to be one, I mean imagine transforming into an animal at will." Hayley replied having a sudden hit of realisation of how much she'd like to become on herself but if she was caught doing it, things wouldn't end nicely.

"Personally I wouldn't be interested, to much hard work."

Poppy left hastily, stopping by Jane who called for her for an unknown reason leaving Hayley lost in her own thoughts daydreaming to the point where she'd didn't want to go to transfiguration, but since this class would be about Animagi it was a whole new can of worms and Hayley quickly rose from the comfort of the armchair.

'I get to learn it a year earlier than i'm suppose to, the benefits of moving up.' Hayley thought making her way up to the second-year dormitories where Hayley's stuff was to get changed.

Waiting outside the classroom everyone was eager to get inside, so when Professor McGonagall let the class of third-years in everyone rushed to get a seat by the front, Hayley was lucky enough the get the middle table behind the front table sitting next to Poppy, considering how pushy the students were to get one.

"Wow never though one could be engaged this much in a class." Hayley chuckled.

"You're right Hayley people would don't normally pay attention," Poppy pointed to some Gryffindors who were usually all giddy in class. "are actually giving Professor McGonagall their full attention, must be the animagi learning I suppose."


"Enough of your chit chat." Professor McGonagall snapped clenching her fingers under the desk as a sign of plea.

People knew when to cross the line with certain teachers and sadly Professor McGonagall was one of the fair few that wouldn't allow such nonsense.

"Today we are starting to learn about animagi, can anyone tell me," Hayley's hand flew up quicker than sound to light, Professor McGonagall looked over at Hayley with vague curiosity before allowing herself to speak again. "something about them."

"Let's see animagi are witches and wizards who elect to turn into a animal, the process to become one is really dangerous, if done incorrectly you could be stuck with whatever your animal is features forever." Hayley stated.

"Take ten points to Ravenclaw for that superb answer, now i'd like you to copy some notes."

Notes, notes, notes boring old notes that most people aren't going to use unless they ought to be an animagus themselves which Hayley hardly believed anyone would. Hayley copied down everything Professor McGonagall asked of them handing it to the professor minutes before any other students.

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