Chapter 13: The Keeper of Keys and Grounds

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The Christmas Holidays had ended quicker than Hayley expected, before long students started to return to the castle filling the corridors with chatter about the Christmas break and upcoming school term. Anxiously waiting for her friends to arrive Hayley cleaned up the dormitory due to leaving in an absolute mess over the Christmas break, not bothering to clean up after herself. As the day continued Ravenclaws started to come into the common room which meant it wasn't quiet anymore, Hayley most certainly didn't like it. Since Hayleys' friends weren't going to come anytime soon she was about to crash it for the day. As soon as Hayley got comfortable in the one chair that's in the dormitory three people came running into her causing Hayley to fall over with a surprised facial expression.

"HAYLEY!!!" Bella, Jane and Rebecca exclaimed hugging Hayley in a tight embrace.

"Guys i'm so glad you're back just one thing can you not make me fall over the next time you do that?" Hayley asked getting up from the ground to face her three friends.

"Yeah sure, so tell us what was your holiday like."

Hayley told Bella, Jane and Rebecca everything that happened over the Christmas break, from the feast, to the prank the Weasley Twins made her do, the running in with Filch and even Roger's awkwardness around her.

"Wow now I wished I stayed at Hogwarts. Sorry for leaving you Hayley I really feel bad now." Jane confessed hoping she could of stayed with Hayley over the Christmas break, which wasn't going to happen now since the Christmas break was almost over.

"No it's alright Jane truly you should spend Christmas with your family." Hayley reassured Jane which relieved some pressure off of Jane.

"So you and Roger huh, do you think he gets nervous around you because he likes you Hayley." Rebecca smirked.

"What no he can't do I hardly know Roger."

"Roger seems to like you Hayley whether you want to admit it or not. When you're not looking I've seen the way he stares at you, it's bloody creepy."

Hayley didn't know how to reply to what Rebecca just said, could Roger possibly like her, no it wasn't possible since the two of them hardly spent time with each other. Now that Rebecca had mentioned that to Hayley, she started to add it all up and it made sense, all Hayley to do is ask Roger the next time she seems him.

The four friends were casually hanging about in the common room reading some interesting books when Rebecca spotted the man of the hour, Roger Davies.

"Oi Hayley there he is go ask him." Rebecca nudged Hayley making her look up and seeing Roger over by some friends.

Hayley listened to Rebecca's words and gets up from her seat to head over to where Roger is, Roger saw Hayley walking towards him so he accidentally drops the piece of parchment that was in his hands.

"Roger can I ask you something, over there." Hayley said picking up the piece of parchment handing it back to Roger while pointing to a place in the common room that was private.

"Thanks, sure." Roger replied putting the piece of parchment back into his bag and going to the private spot with Hayley.

"Do you like me more than friends?"

Roger was startled by what came out of Hayley's mouth, he didn't expect Hayley to say that out of all things.

"Uh no who told you that?" Roger questioned, gazing away from Hayley as he tried to cover up his lie.

"No one said that exactly it's just Rebecca had some suspicions so I came to ask you." Hayley replied earning a look of shock from Roger.


The life of Hayley-Louise Black (Harry Potter Fanfiction) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now