Chapter Ten

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Amelia was awakened by loud music being played outside. Her eyes fluttered open and she stayed in bed for a while, staring at the sunlight that came through her window. It seemed like a beautiful day, not only because of the beautiful weather but also because of the butterflies in her stomach. 

Her thoughts wandered off to Billy and how protective he acted towards her. The way he held her close, the way he placed his big hand on her. Amelia played those images over and over again. Feeling on cloud Nine. 

But all too quickly, her dreams came crashing down. She sighed deeply. Was she really slowly becoming one of those girls? Girls who would kiss the earth Billy walked on? Amelia couldn't believe she would so easily fall for such a guy.

Amelia rubbed her face with her hands. Billy was the type of guy she has always refused herself to fall for, so why is she so keen to like him? 

I should stay clear from him, even though it will hurt. Even though the thought of not speaking with Billy makes me feel sad, it's for the best. Billy is the type of guy who'd only break my heart. As soon as he got me, he would leave. 

She kept repeating that last sentence over and over again, trying to convince herself. Amelia turned her head to the left and was surprised to see it was almost 1 p.m. in the afternoon. She never slept in so late, perhaps it had something to do with her alcohol consumption. 

With a sigh, she pulled the sheets off her and walked over to the window, having a great view from the garden. Amelia saw her mom lying in a lounger while Cora was playing with some toys. Benjamin and his father were busy barbecuing and seemed to be having a nice time. They all looked cozy, one big happy family. At times like this, she forgot the horrific things that happened in the past. 

Amelia shrugged off her pajamas and pulled on a jeans short with a white-and-black striped t-shirt with long sleeves. She went to the bathroom to examine her state and noticed there were remnants of makeup still left on her face and her hair was a total mess. With great difficulty she combed the knots out of her hair and afterwards washed her face. Whilst doing that she heard a knock on the door. 

"Amelia?" She recognized the voice of her mother. "Yeah?" She dried her hands with a towel and checked herself in the mirror once more. "We're going to eat, are you joining us?" Amelia swung the door open and smiled. "Of course." With that, they walked downstairs to the kitchen where Amelia saw a few plats and cutlery on the kitchen table which she carried out to the garden.

They kept a folding table in their shed to use on special occasions, when the weather was nice and warm, like today. John must have placed the table in their back garden where now Amelia helped her mom with the table setting. 

"Ah, sleeping beauty, how was the party yesterday?" Benjamin asked as he put some fried meat on the table. "Lots of drunken teenagers crammed together is always a nice idea. Why didn't you come?" Amelia asked. "I went out with some friends." Benjamin answered. 

She and Benjamin shared some funny party stories, making sure it was appropriate for Cora's ears. Amelia didn't tell much about last night, not wanting to share that a horny boy had bothered her and that Billy had come to her rescue. 

A little later everything was standing on the table so they started eating.


"Can you help me clear the table, dear?" Her mom asked while handing over a pile of dirty plates. Obediently Amelia did what her mom asked her to do. While Benjamin was playing with little Cora, Amelia and her mom cleaned the table. It was very usual for the women to do the normal housework whilst the men were occupied with other matters. Benjamin and John usually maintained the garden like men did. 

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