Chapter 01

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It was a warm day today, why won't it be? It is the first day of summer after all. I open my eyes and look around, noticing that I am not lying in my bed anymore but on fresh green grass. I smile, feeling the soft long pieces of grass. I hear a laugh that makes me slightly jump.

"You look amazing with that smile on you."

I felt my cheeks turn red. I turn to look up and see him. The boy of my dreams. Adrien Agreste. He smiles placing his hand out.
I look at him, feeling my heart thump louder than ever. I slowly reach my hand out and place it on him, I feel a small electric shock between both of our hands but I didn't move my hand. I smile. He picks me from the grassy ground.


"Marinette.. I want to tell you something.."

"What? What is it?" I ask, eagerly.


He put his fingers under my chin, lifting it up, he came closer.

"Marinette.." His words became whispers. "Marinette. Wake up!"

"What?" I ask with confusion. "What?! You don't need to whisper tha-"

I felt a pillow hit hard against my head making me scream. I get up to see who it was. Alya. My best friend. I smile.

"Alya. Wait what are you doing here?"

"Well, Marinette. Let me ask you the same." She laughs.

"Huh?" I say, confused. "Isn't it school?"

"Yes but you're always so late all the time.. I figured you need help like real help."

I laugh. "Well, what time is it?"

"Nearly 08:20am." She answers.

My eyes widen in shock. "Well then, we better go!"


I get up and quickly brush my teeth and grab my jacket and put it on. I pull my pink purse over my head and put my pink backpack over my shoulders. We head outside.

"So Marinette!"


"What's it with you? Another dream about Adrien?"

I think of the dream again and his voice and his hair and answer Alya with a 'Yes.'

I shake my head, realizing what I just said. "Wait no! I.. I mean!"

She laughs. "Girl, get a grip over yourself. I know you dream about him and that's fine by me."

I smile. "Alya. I'm glad I have a friend like you."

She smiles. "I'm glad too. Now let's go!"

We run to school but stop to walk when we head inside. We get into the classroom and sit in our seats. I sit at mine which is right behind Adrien. I place my backpack on the floor and get started with the lesson.

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