Chapter 10

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Marinette|5:35pm|At The Ball

I smile as I see Nino approaching me.

"Wow, Marinette!"

His eyes scanned me from top to bottom and a smile was shaped on his lips. "Nice! That you've come!"

"I know!" My heart began thumping, really loudly. My smile turned small. "So..."

"Are you looking for Alya? Coz' she's not here yet. Who knows where that girl even is."

I shake my head. "No.. I.."

I look around to find a good hiding place. I look back at Nino.

"Anyways, I'll just look around."

"Are you not going to wait for Adrien?"

Within that second, my cheeks were a pink color but my smile has not come back.

Adrien. Adrien.

No, I need to go. I kind of don't care if he comes or not, I just feel that something bad and horrible will happen today. I place my hands on my heart.

Stop! Why are you thumping so loudly? What strange thing will happen today?

I kind of wish my heart was a person, then I could ask it questions when I'm in my most desperate times.

"Hey, Marinette?"

I look at Nino carefully. "Yeah?"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I forcefully fix a smile on my face, "of course I am!"

Before the smile fades away, I quickly rush towards the janitor's room. As I close the door I look around to see nothing but black walls, a white floor, a mop and bucket in the corner of the room.

I open up my purse and Tikki flew out.

She made an expression on her face that I've never seen before, a happy-sad kind of face.

"Tikki?" I ask in fear. "What's wrong?"


"Um, yes?"

"I have something to tell you."

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