Chapter 14

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Marinette|6:18pm|In The Ballroom

I smile on hearing those words that came from Nathaniel's lips.

I look around, seeing everybody dancing with someone, everyone twirling in circles with their partner. This kind of makes me feel like a princess.

I look around in the search of someone - Adrien. Its been a while since I thought of him.

I look and spot him, with relief, I stare at him for a while but my expression changes when I see him nodding at someone, a girl.

The girl had silky brown hair, a fringe that covers most of her forehead, Caramel skin and a smile.

Within that minute I realized who it was. Lila! Lila, the girl who got akumatized into one of Hawkmoth's villians, trying to portray herself as the former hero, Volpina.

My heart begins to race as she was taken in his arms. He was smiling and so was she. Was he brainwashed?! Because Adrien wouldn't do that - or would he?

"Hey, you okay?"

I hear Nathaniel's voice and quickly turn to look at him, "yeah.. Um.. No."

"It's fine, if you want to stop."

"I.. I have.." I nervously stammer. "I have.. To go."

I release myself from his tight grip and begin running but I accidentally fall straight onto the floor.

I look up to see who it was. Must be Chloe.

But I was wrong, it was in fact, Lila.

She began cackling like a witch, "ha-ha! That was amazing! What a clutz!"

I try to get up but she pushes me back down with her hand.

The music was immediately switched off and everyone in the ballroom was silent.

"Hey!" I hear Adrien say to Lila.

"You have to confess, Adrien, that was a good one!" Lila replies to him with a strong snort.

I hear the sounds of loud heels and see that Chloe and Sabrina were approaching us.

"Hey! Move out of the way!" Chloe pushed a young girl out of the way.

She comes to the center, where Lila and I was.

"You really think that was funny, huh?" Chloe says with question.

Woah! Did Chloe actually.. This is not the selfish, rude, arrogant Chloe I know.

"What do you think you're saying?" Lila says to Chloe.

Lila comes back to me again and pulls one of my pig tails like how young 4 year old girls do.

"Ow!" I say in pain.

Whilst she was laughing, I picked myself from the floor and ran away from the ballroom and went up to the rooftop.

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