Chapter 03

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Tikki came and was flying around in circles. She stopped to look at me. The feeling of excitement— I can see it right through her.

"Hello Marinette!" She giggles.

My smile fades away when think about that strange feeling I'm having. I look at her, she was getting worried.

"Marinette. I sense that you are worried about something."

I shrug. "I'm not so sure."

Tikki looked so confused.

"But when I am, I'll let you know."

We both smile.



"I know.. There hasn't been any more attacks since our last attack of The Sapotis... But-"

"But?" Tikki seems excited.

"Could I transform to ladybug?"

"And skip school?"

"Tikki, I feel a but lost today. Let me have some fun for a while, please?"

She let out a sigh and smiles. "Oh, okay."

"Tikki!" I say, loudly. "Spots on!"

Within that second, sparks flew across me and I transformed.

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