The winning moments...

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Hola peeps....


An update from this story....

So, what it is...

A happy news to share with you all....

Very happy to inform you all that this story "I want my fuggy" has won the Best Humor story in Abhigyan Awards 2018...

Thanks to everyone who have voted for this story and made this story to win the great honour....

Dedicating this victory to each and every person who have read this story and supported me all through this story....

Here, goes the certificate of appreciation from the Abhigya awards...

Here, goes the certificate of appreciation from the Abhigya awards

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Here is the winning sticker in my cover....

Here is the winning sticker in my cover

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Thanks once again for the tremendous support and encouragement

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Thanks once again for the tremendous support and encouragement....


A very big sorry from my side... As promised, I couldn't start the season 2 of the story soon... Sorry again...

As my on going stories are dragging me here and there, I couldn't start the season 2 of this story and Im holding it for the time being....

But I will try my level best to come up soon with the season 2 with more craziness and mastis and with lots of humour n mysteries too 😉😉😉😉... 

Expecting all your love and support for this story too ...

Thanks once again for the love and support....

Soon will come up with the season 2...

Any guesses on what the story might be

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Any guesses on what the story might be....

A dark yet humorous story...

A love yet revenge story...

A romance yet mystery story...

A fun filled yet sad story....


Any idea how its going to be 😉😉😉😉....

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Soon will meet you all in "came as a storm"....

Until then

Its  me...

Yours buddy,




I want my FUGGY - Abhigya FS by CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now