Chapter 10 - Meeting 5SOS

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The rest of the week we spent having fun, mucking around and eating a lot of junk food, the boys even took me to the gym a few times. Today I get to meet 5 seconds of summer, I'm SOOOOOOOO excited!!!! I don't necessarily like to pick favourites, but I kind of have a crush on Michael.

I have moved in with Niall because all the other boys have girlfriends and everything and Niall sometimes gets lonely. We are all meeting up at Dome (Australia's Starbucks) for breakfast.

As I get up out of bed, I quickly get dressed. Once I'm dressed, I make my way to Niall's room. I knock on the door twice. No answer. I nock again. Still no answer. I open the door to see Niall still asleep in his bed, I'm surprised he doesn't snore. I walk up to his bed, grab the air horn on his bed side table and push the button on the top. HONK! This makes Niall fall of his bed with a thud.

"What was that for?" he asked, climbing up back onto the bed, while picking his ears.

"We're supposed to be leaving," I say, placing the horn back on the table.

"Where are we going?" he asks, clearly he has forgotten.

"We are going down to Dome to meet 5 seconds of summer, remember?" I ask with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"OMG! How could I forget! They are like my favourite band ever! I can't wait!" and with that Niall was running around like a headless chook, trying to get ready, "What do you think? This shirt or this shirt?" he asks holding up two shirts.

"That one you wore to bed the other night and the other one has a stain," I say pointing towards the separate shirts.

"Oh," and with that he was of again.

"Niall, just wear that white top, and those black jeans," I say.

"You are a genius! Thank you,"

"It was nothing," I repy. Just then he starts pulling of his top, right I front of me. Which is fine as long as he doesn't -, and he did it.

"Woh! I'm still here Niall," I say covering my eyes, because he is only wearing boxers.

"Does it look like I care?" he sass'.

"No, but I do," I say trying to find the door with out looking, but I end up tripping over something, and I fall to the ground with a thud. Which also makes me uncover my eyes.

"You okay?" Niall asks. By now he is still shirtless, but at least he's got some pants on.

"Yeah I'm fine, just hurry up we need to leave," I say standing up and walking out of the room to find my vans.

After a couple of minutes Niall comes out looking extremely hot, but I don't show it 'cause I now know he's my brother. We drive for about 5 minutes, blasting the music and sigining along. When we arrive 5sos are already there so we walk over to them. But the other boys are still not here.

"Niall, right?" Michael asks, right now I am screaming on the inside, but I'm keeping my cool on the outside.

"Yeah, mate. Honor to meet you boys," Niall replies.

"Honor to meet us? The wole world knows you," Calum says.

"What's your name?" Ashton asks me.

"Isabelle, but call me Belle," I say.

"Pleasure to meet you. Dude you never said anything about a girl," Ashton whispers as Niall sits next to him, but I can still hear him. This earns him a smile and a small giggle.

"That's because they only met me a week ago," I say setting down next to Luke, he gave me a smile and I returned it.

"Oh, that explains it," Calum says. Just then the rest of the boys rock up, so we can finally eat.

After a lot of talking, exchange in phone numbers, and a lot of eating, it's about midday already. We finnish up and agree to go back to Harry's. We all piled into the three cars and left. I went with 5sos to even out the numbers.

"So Belle, are you from around here?" Calum asks.

"Well, I grew up here if that's what you mean," I reply.

"How did you meet the boys?" Luke asked. Well I guess since I already know them, I guess I could tell them. So I did. Everything I told Harry, told them. Which meant leaving out the part with me knowing Niall is my brother. But I also added in the part with me bumping into Harry at the dead of the night.

"That's horrible," Ashton said once I'd finnished.

"Yeah, I'd probably commit suicide if that happened to me," Calum commented.

"I'm not that kind of person," I say just as we turn into the drive way. "Anyway it's illegal to commit suicide."

We all walk into the house because the door was already unlocked. The 1d boy's car was parked out side so they would have left the door open for us. As we walk in we can hear voices coming from the kitchen. As we reach we see all boys in there. The rest of the day is just truth or dare games and small food fights, I don't even remember how that started. At about 10 pm we started a toy story marathon, obliviously Liam chose it.

At the end of the marathon all the 1d boys were asleep, and Calum fell asleep with his head on Michael's shoulder, Michael has his head on Calum's. Luke and Ashton were awake still.

"Hey boys?" I asked.

"Yeah?" they both answered.

"Wanna do some pranking?" I asked evilly.

"Sure, got any ideas?" Luke asked excitedly.

"Oh, I've got a really good one," I say, I really need to give them payback after the whole pool incident. I explain all the details to them and we get into position.

A/N: The new cover is by @vaepour, go follow her! :)

One Truth, A Million Lies // 1D & 5OS  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now