Chapter 4 - Meeting The Boys

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I woke up to an empty bed and voices yelling. I get out of the bed slowly walking towards the voices. One I recognise as Harry and other one sounds like it belonged to Liam, another member of one direction.

"...for all we know she could have woken up while you were asleep and told every one where you lived, hey?! What if that happened?" I think Liam said.

"If she did there would be a swarm of girls at my door already." Harry yelled, "Any way if you bumped into a girl in the middle of the night, she was wearing a dress and told you they were lost wouldn't you do the same?"

"Well if you put it like that..."

"Exactly, c'mon man atleast give her a chance," Harry said calmer.

"Alright," Liam had finally gave in. Then I heard footsteps coming my way so I ran back into the bedroom, into the bed and pretended to just be waking up. Then I heard the door open and I pretended to stir and slowly wake up.

"Morning beautiful," Harry says in that thick british accent of his, as I sit up in my bed.

"Morning," I reply in a slight yawn keeping my act on.

"The other boys are here, just so you know," Harry added.

"Okay, thanks again."

"For what?" Harry asked.

"For letting me stay."

"It's cool, so wanna tell me why you were wondering around the streets at the middle of the night?" asked Harry. I wasn't sure if I should tell him or not. I mean I don't really want to go see my friends at the moment, and I don't really have anywhere else to sleep, so I guess it can't hurt.

"Okay, but please don't judge me, okay?"

"I promise," Harry replies. So I tell him everything I'd leant about my fake life and I could hardly finish my story because of all the tears that had escaped my eyes.

"Seriously, that really happened?" he asked.

"Every last detail," I sobbed.

"Do you know who your real parents are?" he asked. I shook my head in response because I thought it would just make things awkward between Niall and I.

"I ran away as soon as I found out," I told him. He held me close in a hug and stroked my hair as I cried in his shirt, we sat alike this for at least 15 minutes.

"Are you okay now," harry asked and I nodded in response, "C'mon I'll make you pancakes." and as if on que my stomach growled. So we got up and as soon as Harry opened the door 4 boys came stumbling to the floor.

"Hi, I'm Liam," Liam said standing up and offering his hand for me to shake as if trying to cover up them ears dropping.

"Hey, Isabelle," I replied taking his hand in mine and shaking it.

"This is Louis, Niall and Zayn," Liam gestured to all of them individually as he said their name.

"Hi boys," I replied back. 'I can't believe I'm standing in the presence of the biggest band on the planet! Keep it cool Issabelle, keep it cool.' I said to myself. "Now I'm hungry and I want pancakes before Niall eats them all."

"Pancakes?!" Niall yelled and we all laughed at his playfulness.

"Come everyone let's move it," Harry says, gesturing for all of us to move, so we could get to the kitchen, as we've been standing in a squished corridor for the past 5 minutes.

"Niall, Louis could you keep Belle company while us three make the pancakes?" Harry asked.

"It'd be our pleasure," louis replied in a formal manner, "Come and let us show you what television is." and I giggled at how posh he's being.

"Hey, I'm no peasant! You're the only peasant around here," I sassed at him.

"Oooh," the boys commented.

"Looks like the sass mister just got out sassed. I think it's fair to say Belle is the new sass mister," Zayn commented.

"That's right. There's a new queen in town, bow down to thi queen, peasant!" I spoke pointing to the ground in front of Louis.

"Fine, but I shall regain my thrown. You have been warned," Louis said sternly, while kneeling.

One Truth, A Million Lies // 1D & 5OS  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now