I'm actually doing a tag!

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I have been famously bad at doing tags in the past so today I thought, screw it, I'm actually going to do one because life is short. Anyway, so I was tagged by bluntwhiskers- so here goes!

1) I once spent a day going into a dangerous, abandoned tunnel underneath a manor house so I'm going to go with yes

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1) I once spent a day going into a dangerous, abandoned tunnel underneath a manor house so I'm going to go with yes. We didn't find anything but the curiosity stands.

2) I have two younger siblings, my sister is 13 but has the dry wit of a twenty year old and my brother is 8 yet can beat me in fight ... I am 18, how?! (And a Step-Sister from my other Step-Dad but we've met once so it doesn't count)

3) Probably, Ora or Darcelle, although it's mostly because I like their characters and now associate them with good things. I quite like my name really

4) 1999 because it's the year I was born and is also the name of a song I like (kind of)

5) I have travelled for a lot of my life and wasn't a fan so probably home. I still like holidays but a life on the road really sucks

6) Um, I've never met him so it's hard to tell...?

7) Probably bluntwhiskers-  zohaven (AKA my co-writer, you know what I mean) acciofirebolt- LeoPotterLS  officialgredandforge  staggeringlyjily bluebellSlytherin25  WingardiumLeviHoeSas ravenclaw0312 sourgrapesnape  gryffindxrkk (If I remember correctly you were my first follower back when I was still thaestheticecononomist so you are forever one of my favourites)... I WANT TO PICK YOU ALL! I LITERALLY LOVE YOU ALL, THIS LIST WILL BE TOO LONG, NEXT QUESTION!

8) Rosa Diaz, she is incredible and if I could be her, I would but I don't have the hair or the awesome leather jackets

9) Depends on my mood to be honest

10) Dancing because I have a personal thing against singing. I don't really dance either though unless I'm pissed off my face but at least I dance at all

11) Human

12) Should that say future? Because I am currently travelling in the present, so probably past as I lowkey want to pop up in photos in history books and watch people get really confused

13) I'm not a huge reader and I've very behind on all books (I am very sorry, you guys!) but my favourites are probably: Girl Almighty by greekstragedy, Groupie Love by jackbarakms, Remus Lupin Writes Fanfiction by kmbell92 and Disney by viiv-xvii. (I also love Loyal Ambition by Kitty too but I think that's been drafted now). 

I am very behind on them but I will catch up in one massive spam, I swear! I have little time at the moment due to A Levels and the bitch that is revision...


ANYWAY, I TAG... anyone who's on wattpad. Do it if you want, I tag all you lovely people!

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