April Fools!

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I love Easter because of Chocolate. I love Christmas because of all the excitement. I don't love my birthday but that's just a personal preference. But I cannot stand April Fools Day mainly because A) I don't have the sneakiness to pull off a prank and B) I am a gullible twit who is the perfect target. Every year someone decides to prank me and every year I fall for every single one of them. Okay, so here we go on my sort of rant...



  ► Convinced me sand Zombies existed

  ► Put cling film over a door and I walked into it (I think, it was cling film related)

► Convinced me that I should be at school when I had been on holiday for a week

► Stolen my headphones and laughed as I spent like five minutes searching for them

► And finally the creme de la creme of pranks: Convinced me they had bought a lamb. This one was today and I was the only girl who fell for it and broke their hypothesis. The conversation was incredibly awkward and went something like this:

Theo (AKA boy I have hardly spoke to which should have set off alarm bells instantly): Hey, quick question what do I do with the lamb I've just bought?

Me: Dead or alive? That changes the options

Theo: Alive *proceeds to send me a photo of a lamb in a car*

Me: Why did you buy a lamb?

Theo: They were going to kill it otherwise!

Me: Oh no, I see why you bought it then! Maybe put it in your backyard and build an enclosure of sorts for it. Or maybe bring it to college, I'm sure they'd love a resident lamb! Just make sure it's fed for now

Theo: ... April fools

Me: Fuck.


    ► Tried to grab a pack of playing cards out of my Mum's hands only for her to stare at me with irritation for five minutes whilst I tried to pull them out of her hands and ask her to let me have this

It's not looking good for me.


Anyway, on a less gullible note, I feel like this would have been the Marauder's day. Like I feel like every year it would have been a kind of competition for who could prank who. Sirius and James would do these massive things that involved marching bands and Professor Dumbledore whilst Remus would do incredibly subtle pranks that didn't seem as significant but actually led to him beating the other two overall which led to lots of angry tears at the Seventh year award ceremony.

Also, if any of you have seen New Girl, I imagine Peter would be like Winston, really bad at pranking, either going too big or too small except for fourth year where is his April Fools was so witty that Sirius had to go and lie down, partly out of shock and partly because James had just pushed him into the lake and he needed to warm up.

By the end, they would recruit people onto their teams and Lily would double cross James by working with Sirius, and then double-cross Sirius to work with Remus who would double cross her because he's secretly really competitive. Peter and Mary would try and prank together but always get distracted by baking or cloud busting or something. Marlene would genuinely not give a fuck about it and simply roll her eyes which of course made Sirius incredibly suspicious of course. 

Anyway, I'm going to go and try and not get pranked for the last 45 minutes of April Fools - E x

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