My Wattpad Birthday!

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I have officially been on Wattpad for one year now and it lies on Neville's birthday which is cool too. To be honest, I almost forgot as I was incredibly busy today. My Mum invited an old Primary school friend round and I managed to get him to open up about his true feelings on life which was fun. Anyway, this evening I was checking something on my profile and saw the date so felt I should probably make a post about this because my random book has become all tags.

 Anyway, this evening I was checking something on my profile and saw the date so felt I should probably make a post about this because my random book has become all tags

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Okay, I am bad at emotional posts like this. In real life, I'm fine but I'm ironically a Writer who is very bad with my own words. Writing other people's emotions is fine but when it come to my own, I usually resort to heavy sarcasm and incoherent rants but I shall try because I want to.

So I joined Wattpad when I was on Holiday last year because I was incredibly bored and wanted to write because I'd stopped for Three years and I honestly fell in love with it again. Wattpad has honestly been amazing the past year, it may be irritating at times but honestly it's been brilliant. When I started, I honestly thought I'd never get past 100 reads but one of my books just hit 200k and like I'm in shock and want to thank you all guys so much, I love you all to pieces. If I could come and give you all a hug and some cake, I would but sadly we live in a Capitalist society and planes are crazy expensive ... but the virtual hug still stands.

And to be honest, a lot of that has been down to you guys. You're all such wonderful, fabulous people and when I first joined, I never expected everyone to be so fabulous. I'd written on Fiction Press back in 2014 and it was so dead that my expectations had been so long. But everyone on here is just so lovely to talk to and I've loved chatting to you all in comments or pms. I may be bad at replying to them and will often come in three days late when life gets in the way, they honestly brighten up my day and I love you all. Thank you all so much for putting up with me and being my friend and just being phenomenal people who are fabulous, beautiful, original humans that genuinely deserve the world. My IRL friends are probably sick of hearing me talk about you guys but I will continue to do it anyway because you guys are awesome people who deserve the praise.

Well ... I'm going to sign off now because I'm somewhat bad with words and I have to go now but I really love you all so much and thank you for making my First year on Wattpad so fabulous.

 I'm going to sign off now because I'm somewhat bad with words and I have to go now but I really love you all so much and thank you for making my First year on Wattpad so fabulous

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^^^ Me right now - E x

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