Tag, I'm it

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So, I was tagged by Concealyourfeelings and I'm in the mood to do a tag plus haven't done one in ages so let's do this!

1. Five ways to win my heart

► Oreos
► Fluent Sarcasm
► Be willing to leave the house every night

► Be able to climb over high walls, trees etc. This is essential
► Have an appreciation of decadence

2. Something you feel strong about

Bean bags in schools. There should be more of them because they are so damn comfortable and I need sleep

3. A book you love

Picture of Dorian Grey without a doubt, it's the only book I will re-read and I keep a copy in my bags for if I feel like reading in the sun

4. Bullet your whole day

► Woke up on the sixth alarm
► Got to college and was productive for the first two hours
► Went out and bought Love Hearts with my friend
► Found my friend a soulmate that she in no way asked for
► Got lectured for skiving class even though the Teacher said I was allowed
►  Called myself a Queen and then left at Lunch
► Made mildly crispy noodles and then went out to Costa
► Stayed there for a few hours, eye flirting with the cool people across the table from me
► Randomly walked for an hour because I can
► Got home, took a shower and now I'm here! 

5. Things you want to say to an ex

Harnessing the sun is not a viable plan for the future nor is being the next Genghis Khan

6. Your view on mainstream music

Some's crap, some's genius. If I like it, I listen

7. Five pet peeves

►  People who make really unnecessary criticisms like 'You would have got the answer quicker if you'd done my method', like fuck off
► Unnecessary rudeness
► Stupid Laws that make no sense
► People who dismiss conspiracy theories
► People who are six months older but act like they know everything 

8. What you ate today

Noodles. I am very healthy

9. How important you think education is

I think it is but I feel like it's not the be all end all. Like it's incredibly important to be literate but grades and stuff aren't everything and I feel like sometimes people pay too much importance to it when there are other ways you can succeed

10. Put your music playlist on shuffle and play the first ten songs that play

► Follow the Leader - Foxygen
► Electric Feel - MGMT
► Shining Star - Earth, Wind and Fire
► Feel it still - Portugal. The Man

► Cassius 1999 - Cassius
► Fire - Diskopunk
► Could - Elderbrook
► Older - Parcels
► Rain - The Script 
► Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson (AKA this book's namesake) 

11. Your Family

Me, My Mum, my Step-Dad and sister Jess or Jessamy if we're doing real names here. I also have a younger brother but he doesn't live with me

12. Five guys whom you find attractive

I can't say in case someone I know finds this and rats me out to the whole school. I'll just say Ezra Miller and Miles McMillan because they are both Sirius and I'm love Sirius

13. Your opinion on your body

Eh, it varies although I'm pretty happy most of the time

14. What you wore today

One of those blue denim skirts with the buttons on and it a black scoop neck with embroidered shoes (That are my pride and joy)

15. Zodiac and do you think it fits your personality

Sagittarius and yes. I am ridiculously similar to all the descriptions of it 

16. Something you always think 'What if' about

If Donald Trump showed up at my door, how hard would I punch

17. Something you are proud of

How I managed to train myself to be a people person over four years

18. A problem you had

My very own Snape!

19. Five items you lust after

► Black platform boots
► The hat that goes with my Communist jacket
► Bardot things. All of them
► My friend's IPhone X
► A hot tub

20. Your fears

Time, being alone, drowning in a grain silo (This genuinely terrifies me) ... oh boy, this could go on forever

24. How you hope your future will be like

I have a very long term prediction of the future, I just hope I'm on the right side of the robot war

22. Academics

I pretend I don't care yet end up doing six hours revision a day to show how much I 'don't care'

23. Something you miss

My Grandpa. He passed away back in 2016 and I'm still not over it in the slightest

24. Five words/phrases that made you laugh

► "I was happy as a snail called Larry. But the bigger question is, who the fuck was Larry"
► Someone calling my teacher 'Mr Bannister' Masturbannitor by accident
► When Amy Schumer said she wanted to be a comedian, everyone laughed at her. Nobody's laughing now
► "Why did you draw people shagging on my arm?!"
► "I shall have your tender child"

25. Something you are currently worrying about

A Levels and the constant passing of time

26. Things you like/dislike about myself

Everything is kind of simultaneously both

27. A quote you try to live by

"Don't put pebbles in your mouth"

28. Somewhere you'd like to move and visit

Russia. It terrifies me but I want to live there

29. Five weird things I like

► Me
► Dry Spaghetti
► Reading spoilers to things I'm in the middle of watching
► The Pontiac Bandit
► Stealing salt and pepper shakers if people are rude to me

30. One thing I'm excited about

A Levels being finished!

TAGS: Eh, I don't really know, whoever wants to do this can, this can be a free for all 

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