Drarry vs Dramione

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I don't particularly ship either of these, I don't really ship any of the characters with other canon characters, I feel that OCs work better. However, Dramione is one that I'm particularly opposed to mainly because of how it treats Ron as well as changes the characters of Draco and Hermione. I don't know if it's just me but Drarry always seems much more plausible and less unhealthy than Dramione.

So Harry and Hermione are completely different people. Harry literally forgives people as they're attacking him, this boy would probably forgive Lord Voldemort if he'd apologised. Hermione on the other hand, holds grudges for longer like when she wouldn't speak to Ron as he dated Lavender. Like, I can see Harry being more forgiving to Draco than Hermione if either of them ever would.

Also Draco and Harry always seemed to have a much more mutual relationship, mutual hatred and rivalry which even kind of came to peace at the end. Draco hated Harry but not because of his blood status, he didn't see him as inferior, simply an equal rival. It wasn't healthy but it was never one sided, they were both equally involved and hated each other because of circumstances. 

It felt like they had a natural end, their story slowly turning from petty hatred to a kind of mutual understanding that with some work, could potentially become more. Again, it would take time, it would by no means be a slow burn story but I feel like it is much more plausible that they could start dating a few years after due to shared experiences and healing together. I feel like they were both sort of two sides of the same coin, people who got sucked up into experiences much bigger than themselves and have a lot more in common.

Draco and Hermione on the other hand, hated each other. Draco hated her because she was a muggleborn, his ingrained prejudices made him hate her and Hermione hated him for his blood supremacy and bullying nature. He was awful to her calling her blood slurs, threatening her at points, so much so that she probably would never forgive him or lower herself to date him. Sex lessons or a plan to make Ron jealous would NOT be enough to make her date him let alone even talk to him. Like even if he straight up apologised, there would still be a lot of hatred and tension between them.

Also I feel like Dramione perpetuates the 'they bully you because they secretly like you' cliché a bit which is one of my least favourite. Like yes, this probably occurs when you're four and a little boy runs up and pulls one of your plaits but blood slurs and tormenting is never okay, can never be justified because of a crush. I'm sure some Dramione books address this or canon AUs to remove this unhealthy aspect entirely but for the large part, it feels like this is never addressed. Hermione usually is annoyed at Ron (Urgh, don't even start me on that...) and falls into the arms of Draco who gives her a makeover or pretends to date her with the fact he use to regularly call her a mudblood tossed to the sidelines.

For Dramione to work, in my opinion, it would take a canon rewrite completely or a slow burn story over years or at least for the issue to be addressed and not replaced by sex lessons! Yes, sex can be used to release some tension but for it to erase five years of blood prejudices is a bit far. Based on some of my Dramione shipping friends, it seems that a lot of Dramione is kind of wish fulfilment. Like a lot of my friends wanted to fuck Draco and kind of idealised him in their head, then they related to Hermione and BOOM! Dramione. Not the case for everyone but that seems to be why a lot of people shipped it, at my school at least and usually forgot that he was highly prejudiced and hateful towards her.


I really don't ship either of them to be honest, I've stopped shipping canon characters  (Jily, Molly/Arthur and Tedtoire are probably the only ones left) as much in the past few months as I've discovered the fun of OCs. Like I don't really ship Wolfstar or Blackinnon as much because I now prefer putting them with OCs. Hinny is the one I've gone on most too because I love Quinton who is my little bean, although I guess this is just a natural progression in life - E x

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