Chapter 4 [Never Is A Really Long Time]

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Yo, fudge cakes. LOL So here's chapter 4. You better enjoy it or else! I'm kidding :) But seriously *Death Glare*

Zayn's POV

I sat there staring at my date as she rambled on about something that happens to her in school. It was Taliah, from the other night.. She was accasionally toying with her sandy blonde curls. She must have noticed my boredom because she snapped her fingers in my face as if I was raping asleep on her, which I probably was because I only heard four words out of every sentence she said. "Zayn are you okay" She asked sitting back down in her seat. "What? Oh yeah I'm..I'm fine just tired or something" I turned back staring into space after giving her my answer. "So are you ready to go now" She aked grabbing the bag with our food in it. "Oh yeah let's go" I responded dryly. We had already payed the bill, now we were walking to my car.

I unlocked me door and climbed in, her doing the same on her side. Once she shut her door she climbed into lap and started kissing me. I kissed her back grabbing on her ass tightly. She moaned on my lips. She reluctantley backed into her seat. I pulled out of the car park and started driving home. Accasionly I would take a hand off the steering wheel to grab her ass and she would grab my cock. We pulled into the driveway of the 1D flat. I got out of the car and she did to. I pulled her through the door and she closed it with her foot. We started kissing and we collapsed onto the sofa with our lips never parting. I heard faint footsteps but thought nothing of it and continued kissing her as I grabbed her ass. I hear someone gasp and glass shatter. We looked up to see Niall standing there with his mouth open...

Nialler's POV

I woke up to the front door slamming closed. I snapped my head up and glanced at the clock. 10:47. I sighed brushing my 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' PJ pants. I looked in the bed seeing Larry Stylinson cuddled up with eachother sleep. I let an "Awwwe" escape my mouth as I looked at the adorable sight. "Yeah sure, bromance my arse" I though aloud. I picked up the tiny bowl I had my popcorn in. I scanned the room for anything else to take to the kitchen. I noticed Louis' favorite glass bowl, that he only ate carrots in on Harry's nightstand. I walked over and looked in the bowl making sure nothing was in it. I saw one carrot that Louis hadn't eaten. I picked it up and crunch into it in Louis sleeping face making a childish face. "Eat another carrot and I'll kill you" I jumped and nearly choked on the carrot as Louis said this with his eyes still closed. I didn't even question it as I picked up the bowl and walking downstairs. I turned the corner to see Zayn and that Taliah girl snogging. I gasped and dropped Louis FAVORITE bowl. The turned around and looked at me. Taliah had clear annoyance on her face. Zayn looked at me emotionless.

Liam came running down the stairs. It appeared he was home from his date. "Niall what's wrong" he asked noticing me standing there frozen. Before anything else could happen. Louis and Harry came running down the stairs. Louis went to ask me the same question but he looked down. "MY BOWL" He screamed. He picked up a couple of pieces of the the shattered bowl. He seriously started crying. I hugged him knowing it was my fault. "Awwe Lou I'm sorry" Liam looked to Zayn. "Zayn you know you can't bring girls back home" Zayn groaned in annoyance. "I cant have a girl over because Little Miss Suicidal loves me" He staed angrily. He walked towards me and stood right infront of me Nd gabbed my shoulders. He stared at me the way a boy does when he's breaking up with his emotional girlfriend. "Niall," He Started "I will NEVER like you. You have to get over me. I will NEVER EVER feel the same way" His words felt like stabs in the heart I felt the tears flow from my eyes fiercely. He looked at me and gave a half hearted smile before grabbing Taloah and walking up to his room. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there crying. I felt the boys eyes on me.

I turned to them sniffling. Liam started talking to me holding his arms out for me to hug him. I engulfed myself in his arms. "Niall it's okay"

"Liam why did I have to like him"

"Ni, he didn't mean it"

"Ofcourse he did"

"Niall don't say that your just making yourself worse"

I didn't reply. I just pried free from Liam's grasp and walked upstairs. I heard footsteps behind me so I knew they followed. I went into my room. I poked my head out of the doorway to talk to the boys. "I promise I won't try to cut or kill myself I just need to be alone" I said before closing my door and locking it. I lied down into my bed and just cried my heart out into my pillow. I was just letting it all out.

Alright, fudge cakes that was chapter 4!!! Special thanks to Baby_Nandos for being my first commenter. You'll always have a special place in this 5'3 boy's heart. LOL. I'm already working on 5. Maybe if I get over 6 Votes I'll post twice tomorrow :3 Bai my fudge cakes!!<3

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