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(In case you need an outfit reminder

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(In case you need an outfit reminder.)

March 2017~ 3 months before the 2017 NBA Draft

LaMelo and I walk into school, and I see a sign on the bulletin board.

"They already doing conditioning for basketball? Spring sports just barely started!" I say.

"Yeah, we known for our basketball team, so they always making sure that we ready for the next season." 

"Shit, should I go?" I ask him.

"Not today! I gotta whoop yo ass on the court!" LaMelo says, making me laugh.

"You funny, LaMelo." I say.

"Come on, why you so formal? Just call me Melo." He says.

"Okay, Melo. I'm gonna go get my schedule, wait for me outside the office?" I ask. Melo nods, and all of a sudden, someone hops on my back.

"Bitch! Why you leave me at home?!" Nat asks. I laugh as she gets down.

"Sorry sis, but I was not waiting for your slow ass to get ready." I say, smiling.

"Come on, we going to the office?" Nat says. I nod, and the three of us go to the office. The secretary gives us our schedule.

"What's your first class?" Melo asks, looking over my shoulder to see my schedule.

"Ugh, engineering." I say, groaning.

"No! We've been split up!" Nat cries.

"Nat, they do this every year. Last time we had every class together was third grade." I say, shaking my head. After looking over the rest of my schedule, it looked like I had my second, third, fifth, and eighth classes with Melo, and my fourth, sixth, and eighth with my sister. I found it cruel that we had eight classes a day, but I already knew the school system was against me.

"Want me to take you to class?" Melo asks. I smile.

"Sure, just don't make me late on my first day."

"I promise I won't." Melo says. He takes me to my first class, and as soon as I walk in, someone yells.

"Is that Naiara Bryant?!" 

"She's Kobe's kid!"

"And she's good at basketball!" 

"Okay, okay, settle down, class." The teacher says. "Ms. Bryant, why don't you sit next to Mr. Park?" Some guy raises his hand, and I sit at the desk next to his.

"Hi, I'm Cole." He says.

"Naiara." I say, making sure that the teacher couldn't hear me. She didn't care though, she just put something up on the board and sat at her desk, doing who knows what. I take out a pencil and paper and start doing my work, until someone taps on my desk.

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