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August 21, Day Before LaMelo's Birthday~

"So... tomorrow's your boyfriend's birthday. What'd you get him?" Nat says, laying on my bed.

"A present." I shrug, playing 2K.

"Oh come on! You've been keeping this present a secret for weeks! You can't even tell me?"

"Not at all." I answer.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you haven't gotten him a present yet."

"Of course I got him a present. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't have a present for him already?"

"A normal one." She says, and I nod in agreement.

"True, but I do have his present. But, it's nicely wrapped and everything, so if you unwrap it, you gotta wrap it again." I say. She groans. "Exactly."

"Can I get a hint?"

"If I give you a hint, will you leave me alone about this?"

"Probably not, but you should still tell me anyway."

"Fine. I got him two gifts, one with a bunch of snacks, and some other stuff."

"Aw, you really love him. You don't even buy me food." She says, making me laugh.

"I do buy you food.... Sometimes..." I trail off.

"Lies. But anyways, I think he'll love it." She smiles.

"You think who's gonna love what?" Zo asks, coming into my room.

"Uh... why are you here? How'd you even get in here? My parents are outta town, and the only ones home are me, Nat, Bianka, and-"

"Gigi." Nat finishes. "It was probably her."

"Actually, your mom gave us a key cause I'm supposed to be watching over you." Zo says, holding up his key.

"Like a babysitter?" I ask.

"Exactly, And my first order as your babysitter is to change your outfit, Nai."

"Okay, one, I'm too old to have a babysitter, and two, why?"

"Cause my brother's coming upstairs, and he's just a horny, emotional teenager." Zo says.

"Well... When you put it like that, I'm definitely not changing. These pajamas are comfortable."

"Come on, I thought you were innocent! Please?"

"I am... To a certain extent. But since you asked so nicely, I'll change."

"Great, thank you." Zo says. I just nod and grab some clothes, going into my bathroom and changing. 

(Without the heels)

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(Without the heels)

When I got out the bathroom, Zo gave me a look.

"What? You told me to change." I shrug.

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