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"Uncle Santiago!" I smile, hugging him.

"Hola mija! Como estas?" He asks, hugging me back.

"Well, other than being grounded by your sister, I'm doing just great." I say, earning a slap on the head from Mom. "Ow! I deserved it, but ow!"

"Silencio, mija!" Mom says, and I roll my eyes.

"Look at you, always getting in trouble." Nat says, and I flip her off.

"Okay, hermanito, the twins will grab your stuff so we can go." Mom says, and I give her a look.

"How? I'm carrying Bianka, per your punishment!" I remind her, holding up my baby sister, and Mom grumbles a bit. 

"Fine. Gianna, grab your uncle's bags." She says, and Gianna grabs his things, and we head to the car. 

The next day~

I wake up to someone ringing the doorbell. I groan and wait for someone else to get the door, but no one does. I groan again and walk downstairs, hearing some Hispanic music blasting from the kitchen, which means Uncle Santiago and Mom are cooking together. But how am I the only one who heard the door?

When I open the door, I see my cute ass boyfriend with a bunch of papers in his hand.

"What's all this?" I ask, letting him in.

"Your work."

"How'd you get it all during first period?" I ask.

"First period? Yara, do you even know what time it is?" 

"No?" Melo shows me his phone, and my eyes go wide.

"It's 3:45? How the hell did I sleep so long?" I wonder, scratching my head.

"Maybe cause you don't gotta go to school. You can stay home and watch TV and shit." Melo says, and I pout.

"Actually, all my electronics were taken." 

"Even the backup iPod?"

"Even the backup iPod." I say, sadly nodding. "I can't even go to your house till I'm un-suspended."

"Guess that means I just gotta sleep in your room for a week. Then you'll see me everyday." Melo smiles.

"Or... You could just come over everyday." I suggest, and his smiles drops.

"I mean sure, but that ain't as much fun." He says, grabbing my waist and kissing me.

"Oh LaMelo, I didn't know you were here." Mom says, walking in the room with Uncle Santiago walking in behind her.

"Hey Ms. Vanessa. Just came to give Nai her work." Melo says, and I smile innocently.

"Who's this?" Uncle asks, and I relax a little. Knowing Mom's pettiness, she woulda said "New rule: no seeing LaMelo."

"This is my best friend and boyfriend, LaMelo Ball. Melo, this is my Uncle Santiago."

"Oh, so you're the little boy who's dating my niece, eh?"

"Uh, yeah." Melo says, looking a little uncomfortable.

"Take care of her, boy. She's like that fine china over there.... priceless and worth millions." Uncle says, looking at Melo real intensely. Okay...

"Well, I'm gonna take Melo upstairs to help me with my work." I say, grabbing Melo's arm and pulling him upstairs. When we get to my room I close the door.

"So, he's... weird as hell." Melo says.

"He's usually not that weird... But whatever. I need some love." I say, sitting on Melo's lap.

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