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January 18~ Day Before My Birthday

"Good morning lovely family. And Terrell." I smile, walking into the kitchen.

"One of these days you're gonna have to accept me." Terrell says, and I roll my eyes.

"Don't ruin my good mood. Anyways, tomorrow is a very important day, so today, tomorrow, and the next day are all going to be great. I'm putting it into existence." I say.

"Mija, your dad and I have to leave for a business trip today. We won't be back until next week." Mom says out of nowhere. My smile drops.

"You're joking, right?" Nat asks, and my mom shakes her head.

"Is this one of those 'I wanna surprise you so we're leaving you but we're really not leaving you' kind of things?" I ask, and my dad shakes his head.

"Guys, they clearly said they're not gonna be here." Gigi says, and I sigh.

"So you're leaving us alone with Terrell? Again?" I ask.

"Not exactly..." Mom trails off. Then you hear the front door open.

"YERM!" Oh hell no.

"Lonzo's babysitting us?" I groan.

"Would you rather us leave you with Terrell?" I stay quiet. "And it's not just Lonzo."

"Ms. Vanessa, you got food up in here?" I hear Gelo ask.

"Lemme guess, Melo's here too?" Nat asks.

"Yara! Where you at?" Melo yells, and I shake my head.

"Welp, I'm gonna go get dressed. I'll be sure to say bye before y'all leave." I say, going upstairs and getting ready for school. I start taking off my shirt but am interrupted by a knock at my door.

"Baby! Let me in, I'm bored without you!" Melo says, and I smile.

"Lemme get dressed!"

"Oh then I definitely want to come in." He says.

"Why can I hear you smirking? You a freak." I say, taking my clothes off and going into my bathroom. "I'll be out in fifteen minutes!"

"Hurry up!" He whines. I shake my head and get in the shower. After I quickly shower I change into an outfit. "Baby!"

"You're still out there?" I ask, putting on my shirt as I open my door

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"You're still out there?" I ask, putting on my shirt as I open my door. He smiles and hugs me once he sees me.

"You ready for tomorrow?" He asks, and I shrug.

"Eh, I guess." I say, walking over to my vanity. I grab my brush and start doing my hair.

"Ooh, lemme do your hair for you." He says, snatching my brush.

"Baby, what you know about doing hair? Your hair looks like a hurricane everyday." I say, playing with his curls.

"Come on, lemme do it. I'm the fucking goat."

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