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"Wait, why did Olivia just walk in here like she owns the place?" I ask Nat.

"I dunno. I guess she was invited."

"But why? You don't think-"

"What? No! The boy just told you he loves you. There is no way he's going back to her plastic ass." Nat says, and I calm down a little.

"As soon as she tries something fishy, I'm going off." I say.

"Hey babe." Melo says, coming over to us and putting his arm around my shoulders. "Wassup?"

"Nothing much," I lie. "Just chilling."

"Why's Olivia here?" Nat asks.

"She's here?" Melo asks. Nat points to her and Melo cringes. "Yikes. I swear I didn't invite her."

"That's cause he did." I say, pointing at Quan, who was getting real up close and personal with her. "He can have fun with that." Quan looks over at us and starts walking to us, bringing Olivia with him.

"Oh no, he's coming over with her." Nat says.

"Let him. I beat her ass a while ago, and if she wants me to do it again, I will." I shrug. "But I'm really not tryna fight in heels."

"Aye girls, this is-"

"Olivia." I finish, showing no emotion.

"Oh, y'all friends or something?" Quan asks.

"No, we-"

"No, cause we're best friends! Right?" Olivia asks, smiling at me. Wait, I'm confused.

"Well I'm gonna go get a drink. Want something, babe?" Babe? Hold the fuck up!

"Some soda." She answers, fake smiling. He nods and walks away, and Olivia smirks at me.

"Ain't that a bitch!" I laugh. "You playing Quan?"

"What do you mean? I love him!" She says, fake gasping.

"Uh huh. Interesting. Well, I'm gonna walk away now, and forget that you're even here. Come on, Melo." I say, pulling him away. 

"At least you ain't pop off on her."

"I know, I'm getting better." I smile. "Now come on birthday boy, let's party!" I say. 

The next few hours of the party was fun, and we was just chilling. I was acting weird cause I had a ton of sugar in my system, and everyone really thought I was going crazy. When the party ended, I went in the house to get some water, and I heard noises on the way there, like someone got pushed into something, but I ignored it and got my water. I couldn't ignore what I heard next though.

"Come on, Melo. It's you and me baby, it always has been." 

And of course the voice was Olivia, cause who else would it be? They were in the living room, and she had Melo pinned to the wall. The best part about it was the look on his face. She was real close to him, and he looked scared as hell, probably cause he knew I was gonna kill him if he did anything.

"Aren't you with Quan?" Melo asks, looking everywhere but at her.

"Him? I'm only here with him cause he lead me straight to you. I know the only reason you didn't invite me was her." She says.

"No, I didn't invite you cause I don't like you. No one does." He says, almost making me laugh. I decide to come out of my hiding spot and pretend like I didn't hear anything.

"Hey Melo, are you-" I pause when they turn their heads to me, and it took everything in me to not laugh at his face.

"Oh, Naiara. You caught us." Olivia says, biting her lip and acting innocent. I swear, I've never seen her look this ugly.

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