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April 2017~ 2 months before the 2017 NBA Draft

"I hate school~ Oh yes I hate school~" I sang as Melo and I walked to lunch

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"I hate school~ Oh yes I hate school~" I sang as Melo and I walked to lunch. Well, I crutched to lunch.

"Shut the fuck up~" Melo sang.

"Wow, disrespectful as shit. And why didn't you tell me you had a million friends?" I ask. I met three more of Melo's friends since I started school here, Phaquan, Don, and O. I forgot O's actual name but everyone calls him O, so imma go with it.

"I don't have that many friends." He says as we enter the lunch room.

"Melo! Nai!" We hear. Almost a table full of negroes was calling us, and I look back at Melo.

"You said what nigga?" I ask him.

"Whatever." He says. We sit down at the table and start talking to everyone when I realize the ratio of guys to girls. The guys included Cole, Phaquan, Don, O, Gelo, Eli, and Melo. The girls was literally just me and Nat. I didn't mind that much, cause I hang with guys all the time, but is still surprised me. What really surprised me was the fact that we could all fit at this damn table. Daquan, Christian, Justin, and Tristan all magically got girls and they sit with them at lunch now.

"Aye Melo, you ready for that game today?" O asks. 

"Of course I am. It's the most important game of the year nigga." Melo says.

"What's today?" Nat asks.

"Pep rally." I answer, eating a Subway sandwich.

"And, we playing our rivals today after school." Melo adds.

"All the girls with a guy on the team wear some school spirit shit." Eli says.

"Eli's never had that happen to him, so he a little salty." Don says.

"Nigga, shut up." 

"Don't be mad cause he right." Phaquan says. I went on snap and put a filter on me so I could send it to me streaks. Before I could take the picture, Melo comes into the camera and makes a goofy ass smile. I record us smiling and at the end, he kisses my cheek, making me blush extra hard.

"Y'all are goals!" Nat squeals.

"We not even going out, bruh. Shut up." I say to her.

"Yeah, we all know Melo's single as fuck." Gelo says. A girl comes over to our table and pushes me to the side, sitting next to Melo.

"Hey Melly." She says, twirling her finger. I'm not gonna lie, she was pretty. She looked kinda like Winter/Kaila from Bad Girls Club, just longer hair and a flatter ass.

"Uh, excuse you bitch." I say, getting up.

"You gonna let her talk to me like that?" She asks.

"Olivia, why the hell are you even over here?" Melo asks.

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