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Lovely readers, I need a huge favor! I wanna add some stuff to this story, but in order to that, I need a face claim! This is honestly my first time doing this, but I'm excited. I have requirements though. She needs to be a) on IG, b)a teen, and c)African American. She doesn't have to play basketball or even look an ounce of Hispanic (but if you do find someone like that then I'll love you forever!) Leave a comment on this chapter and whoever gives me the person I want for Naiara will get a shoutout! Okay, I sounded real generic with that, so onto the story!

June 2017, One Week Before Summer League~

"Huh? Marissa- Dad, do you know her?" I ask.

"Hello, Kobe. It's been awhile." The lady says, stepping in with the guy that was behind her.

"Marissa, what're you doing here?" Dad asks.

"I came here so you could meet your son... This is Terrell." She says. I look at the guy, and then at Dad. I gotta admit, they do look alike.

"My son? Marissa, you can't just come up in here and-"

"Actually, I can, Kobe. Don't you understand? This was all supposed to be mine! Well, everything except these raggedy kids of yours now. We were supposed to have a family together."

"Raggedy? Lady, you got me messed up." I say, now irritated with this lady. Dad just rubs his head in frustration.

"Naiara, where's your mom?" He asks.

"At that photo shoot in Phoenix. She won't be back for a few days." I say, fearing where this conversation was going.

"Marissa, step into the kitchen with me for a second." Dad says, lightly pulling her to the kitchen. Any harder, and he woulda caught a case. I just stood in the living room with Terrell, and Melo must've went to my room before I answered the door cause he wasn't in the room.

"So... I'm Naiara, and I might be your younger sister." I say with a smile.

"I'm Terrell, and trust me, I know who you are. I watch your highlights, and you got talent, kid." He says.

"Thanks." There was an awkward silence as we both tried to wrap our heads around what just happened, and trying to figure out what to talk about next.

"Do you play basketball?" I ask.

"Not really, I play more for fun than seriously." He answers. And just like that, it was quiet again.

"Ara! Where's my clothes? I'm too lazy to go home, so I'm staying the night." Melo says, coming downstairs.

"Who said you could stay here?" I ask.

"Me nigga." Then his eyes land on Terrell. "Who's this?"

"This is..."

"Terrell. Wassup?" Terrell says, sticking out his hand.

"I'm LaMelo." Nat runs downstairs and spots Terrell.

"Oooh. Who's this?" She asks, making me roll my eyes.

"This is Terrell. He, uh, he might be our brother." I say.

"What?" Melo and Nat both ask.

"Kobe! I just need you to watch him for a month! How hard is that?!" Marissa yells, walking into the room.

"How am I gonna explain this to my wife?" Dad asks, walking in behind her.

"It's not like you cheated on her with me. As long as your gremlin kids don't poison my son, he can stay here for a month while I'm stationed in Syria." She says.

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