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This self-entitled bitch!

She thinks pulling my hair is the best way to win a fight? Especially since my hair wasn't as long anymore, thanks to her. I let her have her fun for a few seconds before getting out of her grasp.

"Ya know what? I ain't even gonna hit you anymore. I'm just gonna watch you make a fool of yourself." I say, shrugging. She goes to hit me and I dodge it. She tries again and still misses. This goes on for a while till I get bored and grab her arm, pinning it behind her back and putting her on the ground, sitting on her.

"See how nice I am to you?" I ask her, still on her back.

"Naiara Esmeralda Bryant! Quitate a tu hermana!" Mom yells. I roll my eyes and get off of Natalia, sitting back at the island. Mom grabs Natalia and starts yelling at her in Spanish, and I text my friend Julian to come pick me up. I didn't wanna stay here and have my mom yell at me for punching my sister. Then my mom said something that really triggered me.

"What have I told you about your sister! Her... mental issues are not to be played with! She's... special."

Well, that felt like a bullet to the heart right there. Did my mom really just call me special?

"I know, but she was getting on my nerves! It's not my fault she's a dumb, slow, hot-headed bitch!" Natalia says.

Tears begged to fall from my eyes, but not here, especially not in front of all these people. Mom finally remembers my existence and turns around, looking at me with guilty eyes pleading for forgiveness.

"Naiara, baby, I-"

"Great! I don't wanna hear it!" I say, fake smiling, trying to hold the tears in.


"No! You don't get to say that stuff and then act like it's okay! And you didn't even say nothing to her when she called me a slow bitch!" I yell.

"Now honey, calm down for a second." She says. I shake my head and my phone flashes, seeing that Julian texted me saying he's outside.

"I gotta go." I say, running out the house and to Julian's car.

See, Julian is this junior guy that I know, only caused we partied together a few times. He's also the plug. Anything you need, he's got. Candy, soda, xannies, weed, he's got it all. I dunno why we became friends, but we did.

"So, where we going?" He asks. I think for a second. I didn't know where I wanted to go, but I just wanted to get out of there.

"Uh, let's take a trip to LA." I say, smiling at him. He just nods and starts driving.

"Oh, by the way, I got some beer in the back if you want some." He says, keeping his eyes on the road.

I've never drank before, but I figured there was a first time for everything, and I was too mad to think straight. So, I took a bottle and opened it, drinking the beer. It was pretty good, except for the burning sensation it left in my throat. Shit was not okay.

"Woah. Usually you'd say something like 'I don't want your bottle of piss, Julian'." He says, looking surprised.

"Well, today's not a normal day."

Melo's POV... That's new

"Where do you think she went?" I ask her mom.

"I don't know. My daughter is a... puzzle sometimes. Natalia, why'd you have to say that about her?" She asks Nat.

"Don't act like you didn't say shit too. You called her special." Natalia says back.

"I've called her like ten times, she won't answer." Gelo says.

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