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It was halftime, and the score was 56-45. From the looks of it, the game would be an easy sweep. The two of us girls, me and Iris, were fucking dominating the game. I had 19 points, and she had 16. Mr. I Can Shoot a Half Court Shot only had 17, and I was gonna make him remember it. The quarters were ten minutes each, which I didn't mind cause I got shows to watch.

"Y'all looking pretty good out there! But this quarter, we need to look even better! On defense, I want..." LaVar started talking, and I kinda zoned out, remembering this one bum ass nigga on the court. This man's had it out for me since the first quarter, and I wasn't gonna let it slide. I'm not even tell you how many fouls he's got away with, but let's just say, he woulda been fouled out in the first eight minutes of the game.

"Now, let's talk points. I want there to be a blowout, sweep 'em like they some dust on the damn floor! Naiara, you're leading in points with 19. Melo, where you at?!" LaVar asks, making me laugh.

"I got you next half, Dad." Melo says. The refs blow the whistle, and the second half starts.

"Alright ballers, you got this!" LaVar yells.


"How the hell did the score get so close?!" LaVar asks. Third quarter was kinda shaky for us. Mr. Mc-Fouls-A-Lot was doing his thing, and I could barely get a wide open shot anymore. Even when I tried to pass there were defenders tryna steal the ball. At the end of third, LaVar finally realized what the guy was doing, and he took me out. 

"The score's 105-102! We were doing good in the first half, so what the hell happened?!" He asks.

"They're getting better, and we're getting tired." JJ says.

"Don't say tired!" I say, not so quietly.

"If y'all are tired, we can run extra tomorrow to prevent you from getting tired again." LaVar says.

"I think he meant tired of not playing at a hundred and ten percent, right JJ?" I ask, looking at him.

"Right, that's exactly what I meant. Thanks." He says with a look of relief on his face.

"Okay, Naiara, I need you back in. I know he's tryna kick your ass out there, but take those chances and draw the fouls." LaVar says.

"I've been trying that all game, but these refs are kinda blind if you couldn't tell." I say.

"Then make 'em see it." LaVar says.

"Just flop like LeBron." Melo says. I sigh as the fourth quarter starts, and I get back in the game. The defense was tight, and they started to double team me. Whenever they did, it left one of my teammates open, but the other team was ready to steal the ball. 

Five minutes were left in the game, and some of the better defenders on their team were subbed out. But the bitch ass nigga was still in the game, which frustrated me. I still drove to the basket, and I made it to the foul line a lot, but it still wasn't enough. LaVar called a timeout, and we went back to the bench.

"LaMelo, I'm switching you up top, and Naiara, you'll be the shooting guard." LaVar says.

 I nod, and we come up with a play for the last minute of the game. The whistle blows, and I put myself in position. The ball is passed in, and Melo dribbles down the court. Iris sets a pick for me and I run down the baseline, confusing my defender. I cut into the paint, and Melo sees me open and passes it to me. I go up for a layup, and next thing you know my head's slammed onto the court's floor, and I yell in pain.

"Timeout!" LaVar yells.

"Shit, baby girl, you okay?" Melo asks, running up to me.

"No, I see stars." I say, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, I'm good." He holds out my hand and I take it, getting up.

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