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"Wassup baby?" Ethan smirks, looking at me. My smile quickly turns to a frown as I roll my eyes. As much as I love sitting next to Quan, I hate Ethan.

"Um, excuse me, Ms. Jamison?" I say, raising my hand.

"Yes, Ms. Bryant?"

"May I be moved?" I ask.


"I can't see the board from back here. I was supposed to get glasses last week, but my dad forgot." I lie.

"Bitch, you don't need-" I silently stomp on Quan's foot and he gives me a look.

"Sorry, but I have a system here, and until I see a note saying you have vision problems, that's your seat." I mentally groan and sit back in my seat, wishing I had a hood to put on so I could sink into my seat and be invisible.

"I have to go make copies of these forms, so I'll be right back." Ms. Jamison says before stepping out of the room. Ethan turns to me, but before he could get a word out, I get out of my seat and walk over to Melo, sitting on his lap, facing him.

"Wassup, baby?" Melo asks, seeing my face.

"I hate my seat." I sigh, resting my head in his neck.

"I know you wanna sit next to me." He says, and somehow I can hear his ass smirking.

"What? Nah, it's who I'm sitting next to that I hate."

"Babe, Quan's not that bad."

"No, not him!" I groan. I raise my head up and move Melo's head to show him Ethan, who was smiling at us. He did a little wave, and both me and Melo groaned.

"Since when do he go to this school?" Melo asks.

"Apparently, since today." I sigh.

"You wanna switch seats?"

"You heard what the lady said. She has a 'system.'"

"Fuck her 'system.' If it means you don't gotta sit next to that asshole, I'll take the fall." He says.

Now that's what a real man looks like. Damn, how'd I get so lucky?

"It's fine, imma be okay. I'll just wear a hoodie and watch TV and movies the rest of the year." I shrug. Melo pulls me closer to him and he buries his face in my chest, making me laugh.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"They're so comfy." Melo says.

"You have issues." I say, pushing his head out of my chest. He smiles and pecks my lips.

"You coming over?"

"I wish I could, but we gotta pick up my uncle from the airport. He's staying with us for the week."

"But I want you to come over." He whines.

"I know..." I say, kissing his forehead.

"Um, guys. You do realize we're still in class, right?" Nat says, looking at us weird. I slightly roll my eyes and run my hands through Melo's hair.

"Damn! How late am I?" Daijon asks, walking into class.

"At this point you might as well just go back home." Quan says.

"Alright class, get back in your seats." Ms. Jamison says, walking back into the classroom. I groan and get off of Melo's lap, going back to my seat.

"Welcome back babygirl." Ethan says. I flip him off and sit down in my seat.

"You not my nigga, so don't call me that."

"But I was, and I can be again."

"Never gonna happen. Even if we were the last people on Earth, I would kill you and live by myself for the rest of my life."

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