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"Ughhh." I groan as I wake up. The room was empty, and the only light was a lamp right about my head. Figures.

I was still tied to the same chair, but the rope was now covered in duct tape. At this point, the only way I could get out is if someone helped me. It's not like I carry a knife on me or nothing.

I tried to feel in my pockets to see if my phone was there, and of course it wasn't. Santiago may be a thief, but he's a smart one.

"Oh, I see you're awake." I hear from behind me. I turn my neck, but couldn't see anything.

"Let me go." I say, and he chuckles.

"Can't do that, mija. This was 'posed to be an easy job. I steal your shit, pack my bags, and fly on back home. But this time, you and your damn sisters got in the way, and-"

"Okay, I just wanna stop you right here. I'm just waiting for someone to find me and rescue me. What I'm not tryna do is hear a villain-y monologue or plan or whatever you're tryna do." I interrupt him.

"Then I guess we're gonna be here awhile. The cops are looking for us. And I'm not going to jail."

"If you didn't wanna get locked up you shouldn't commit a crime. Don't do the crime if you don't wanna do the time." I say.

"Lo siento, mi sobrina." He said, and I sat back in my chair, sinking as far as I could. Hopefully someone comes to get me soon.

Natalia's POV... 2 Days Ago

"Where the hell is she?!" I yell, running to the house. The place was surrounded by police cars, but I couldn't see Nai anywhere.

"Ma'am, I need you to back away from the crime scene." One of the officers says.

"I can't! My sister's in there!" I yell, trying to push past him, but he grabs me by my waist. Even my tallness couldn't help me. No matter how much I kicked around, he wouldn't let me through.

"I'm sorry, but it seems like we're going to have to call this a missing persons case. The house is empty."

My heart shattered.

"What?! No, she's in there! She said she would be!" I cry, running past him. I run through the crowd of officers and all throughout the house, looking everywhere for my twin. But he was right. No one was there.

"Where is she?! She said she was coming with us!" I cry, and multiple officers had to grab me and take me back outside. Speechless, I went back to Melo's house, and everyone swarmed me.

"Where's Nai?" Gigi asks.

"Is she out there with the cops?" Melo asks.

"Is she okay?" Gelo asks.

"She... she wasn't there. They searched the whole house. Nothing." I say, sadly.

"What?!" Everyone yells.

"They have to have something! She can't just be gone!" Gelo says. Melo doesn't say anything as he goes to upstairs to his room and slams his door.

"We can't ask them about an ongoing police investigation, can we?" I ask.

"But we're her family! They have to tell us!" Gigi says, and I shake my head.

"I don't know if they can, hermanita. Especially since we're under eighteen." I say, and she tears up, hugging me.

"Well then what can we do?" She asks.


"It's been two days. He needs to get his ass out here and eat." LaVar says.

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